Not a Chapter - End Notes

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This is one of my favorite in this series(Hobi is the other one.)

The chapter where Jessie and Jungkook meet was a written chapter in butterfly that I had to take out simply because it was Jessie's POV.

Yoongi's partner was originally their neighbor in the dorm. The granddaughter of the grandma Jiwon asked when she was looking for Tae. It has the same premise, having her father cheated on her mom she decided to live with her grandma instead.

Having said that, it makes the the girl somewhat immature and I always thought Yoongi's relationship would be with someone independent (Someone who can understand the hours he put with his job) and quite strong willed.

Jessie was only supposed to be a re-occuring character. She was meant to stay married and her husband was the one who supposed to cause the ruckus but I'll explain in Namjoon's chapter why I decided against it.

By the time I was writing the last chapters for chasing Amy, all of the skeleton storyline for the remaining members has been planned out. I really want Jessie to be there for all the chapters so I decided, she will be Yoongi's partner. Therefore the going thru divorce kinda thing.

The chapter starts with the introduction of why Jessie cheated with Jungkook. It was meant to be a slap in the face for Jungkook who seems to think that each one he dated loves him but it turns out he was just an option for Jessie.

In the story, I meant to have Yoongi initiate the friends with benefits setup only to find himself falling for Jessie even more.

But it didn't work well considering Jungkook might hate him for that.

Anyway— so the twins play a bit role in one of the storie's conflict. It took me long to figure out how the hell would Yoongi and Jessie go to Ilsan to see them or why would Jimin brought them to Seoul so I decided to put Jiwon and Taehyung back in this.

Since Jimin is only the one Taehyung listens to, I figure they should have misunderstandings althoughout the saga. The same topic is repeated since I wanna stress out the fact that they dated quite abruptly compared to other members. Sorry if you find the same conflict tiring.

The scene wherein Jiwon came back crying is something I like to insert for comedic purposes. The previous chapter has been heavy with emotional distress that I wanted it something for them to have some sort of miscommunication regarding the death of poochi and Jessie's status.


Since I established Jessie as quite a bad ass. This story revolves around the fact that she's also fragile and deals with a lot of insecurity:
- Her empire which she didn't want to trade for anything as it was the one she traded for something she enjoys even if she wouldn't admit.

- The fact that she divorced her husband for not agreeing to have a kid and then realizing that she wants one but she might not be able to.

- Dealing with two options with no certainty.

- Admitting that the fact that she loves Yoongi without actually knowing his feelings for her.

I never meant for her to die, in case you were wondering. 😂. There were times that the story seems to demand that but I don't wanna, I save Jessie everytime.

The end chapter in which Yoongi proposes to Jessie wherein she actually turned him down is one of the biggest question in my life. I'm graduating college in a year and then mostly, people set up that the next milestone is for you to get married and start a family.

I always thought that marriage is superficial and just a plain piece of paper. Something that's not necessary and only people made it necessary to prove you love somebody by commiting yourself to him/her.

My mom told me that it's more than that. Hence, Yoongi's answer about the legality and responsibilities that you can't actually do without that piece of paper.


It was a internal conflict with him that he doesn't want to deal with heartbreaks again. The way that he's busy with work and had to attend to someone who needs with attention is something that I think would not sit well on him.

I would also like to imply that they of course sleep around once in a while 😂 — one night standa and one nots.

I would like to think that Yoongi becames attracted to Jessie by seeing some parts of himself in her. It's not necessary to wear your heart on your sleeve. She admired her for her commitment and dedication not to mention that she used to love music as well.

Jaehwa is something that I think was needed for justifying his feelings for her. Something that left a bad taste on his mouth from his previous relationship but clearly something Jessie is not capable of doing.

When Jessie asks Yoongi if he would still love her even if she lost her ovaries, I wanted to portray Yoongi as someone who would love anyone regardless of their sexual orientation based on their behavior, priorities in life and values.

The reverse of the situation, during the diagnosis of Jessie's cancer (Yoongi falling apart thinking it was karma in the works) to Jessie shunning out everyone when she learned that her choices are very limited is a sort of display of their personality which makes them a perfect couple:
- Jessie takes in every issue she have with her life until she can't
- Yoongi can take anything once he overcomes it.

Since I need to introduce the next couple, I needed to have Jin and Jiwon's cousin, Jaehee to meet before the story ends.

With Jin being his roommate, he got the full blast of dealing with their problem and hence was the one who made sure that they will finally deal with their issue.

Jungkook's Wedding Highlights:

I think Taehyung would never confront Jiwon ever in their relationship since he was afraid of her breaking their relationship and so Yoongi was the one who sorts of emotionally trigger him to confront Jiwon. With that, among them, Taehyung is very observant (and Hobi, too) and was the one who knew about the pregnancy.

When Yoongi asks Jessie about Jungkook, it was some sort of just a nod that even after years, he sometimes think that her wife dated his friend and it was quite awkward for him at some extent.

Other Things:

I meant to make this book as a sex galore book but the situation doesn't call for it.

Someone asks me if I'm a med student since some of the situation are somewhat medically possible: My sister's a nurse so I tend to hear things from her.

The words at the beginning of the story are my guide to the topic that I would write.

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