the one where he saves her- then gets revealed

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Fiona had just finished painting Surma when she heard whispering going around, she shrugged it off and finished the signature

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Fiona had just finished painting Surma when she heard whispering going around, she shrugged it off and finished the signature.

"Dude, no!" John yelled and Fiona turned around. The guys cornered him, punching him, John crumpled to the floor and Surma barked, growling lowly.

"Surma protect!" Fiona yelled out.

One guy lunged towards Fiona. She side stepped and tripped. That's when the guys pounced on her.

"Get the fuck off of me!" She screamed, pulling and kicking.

"Shut the fuck up!" One guy yelled.

Surma jumped on one guy, biting his arm and pulled him away.

"Get your fucking dog!" He screamed and Fiona's eyes flared.

"Get off of me!" She screamed again.

"Hey, she said get off!" A familiar voice yelled.

They stopped and turned, revealing to Fiona that Spider-Man stood.

His aura revealed a burning anger. Fiona knew that it wasn't going to end well.

Spider-Man shot a web towards her and pulled her to him.

Surma Barker and growled and started running to her.

"Surma no!" She said and pointed to John.

"Protect him," she said and the dog ran over.

She looked to Spider-Man and stepped away.

"What the fuck! Get him!" One guy yelled and they ran over to the two, one started to throw hands, Fiona dodged them but got caught in the jaw.

She looked back up to the boy and touched her lip, pulling back she saw blood.

Her hands balled up and she jumped the guy, knocking him to the ground as she threw punch after punch.

"Hey, their down, what all happened?" He asked and Fiona stood up, pulling her hair back in a ponytail.

"I thought we were just going to be painting, but I guess they had ulterior motives for John and I," she said and Spider-Man nodded.

She looked down and saw that her spider was crawling on her arm, to her right, where the boy in the suit stood. Fiona's eyebrows furrowed as she walked to the other side of him, the spider scurried to her right arm.

"Holy" she looked up at him and grabbed his hand so he couldn't run, snatching his mask and pulled.

Underneath, was the face of her soulmate.

"Peter?!" She yelled and clenched the mask.

Surma walked over and sniffed the mask.

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