the one where they're broken

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Fiona has spoken, smiled, or had any sign of living in her eyes from months

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Fiona has spoken, smiled, or had any sign of living in her eyes from months. Months. Surma could feel it, and it brought him down. Her dad is worried but scared of her reaction would be if her tried to help.

Mj has done everything she could to get Fiona out of her funk. Kalma hasn't made any appearances since the night Peter broke up with her. As she walked into school, she saw worried glances in her direction but she didn't care enough to fight anyone about it.

"Fiona, you've worn the same pajamas all week, have you even brushed your hair?" Mj approached her and Fiona gave her a sullen stare. Mj squinted and pulled out her phone.

Fiona saw that she was pulling up an old phone of them and held it up next to Fiona. Mjs expression darkened and she looked at Fiona in the eyes.

"I swear to god if you starve yourself to death, I'm killing you in your next life," she said.

Mj found out about Kalma the day after Orter broke up with Fiona.

Speaking of Peter, he hasn't been to hot either. He's been getting in a lot more fights and his grades dropped. Fiona barely sees him at school.

"This has got to stop," Mj groaned as Ned walked up to them, an expression of worry and fear on his face.

"You need to come with me, now," he said to Mj. Fiona walked off to her locker. She opened it and stuck her head in. She leaned her head up against the books in the metal box and sighed.

"Fiona?" She heard the familiar voice of Madeleine speak and she straightened up.

Fiona turned around to see the face of her old best friend. She held flowers and a blanket with socks.

"This an apology for my behavior, plus I know you've been dealing with depression so here, I know you loved this stuff," she said and Fiona looked down at the gifts.

She solemnly took it and turned around, gently putting it in her locker and shutting the door and locking it. Fiona walked away as the bell rang and pushed through people, not caring about he looks she got or the names they called.

Fiona didn't care.


For the past few months Peter has stopped being Spider-Man. All he does his sleep. He gets into fights and always risks his identity. He's dropped the academic decathlon team, band, and robotics. He just goes home and lays in bed, looking at photos of him and Fiona.

One day, Peter just walked into school, shook his head and walked out, deciding to get lost at Central Park and then go home. Some days he doesn't even show up to turn around.

Ned was thrown off by the behavior.

The rise in crime has led the city into the brink of chaos. And now the mayor is begging them to come back. But they haven't even seen the news to notice.

Fiona sighed as she walked back into that coffee shop from months ago, not having to shake the snow out of her hair as the rest melted.

Fiona pulled out the small bag and walked over to shelf.

Enders Game.

Fiona gave sad smile. Johnny loved Enders Game.

She opened the book and saw familiar scribbling on the inside.

Property of Johnny Simmons.

Fiona held a hands over her mouth and sat down. Staring at the hand writing. Tears formed and she felt it as it slid down her cheek. She shut the book and put it in her bag. Fiona wiped her cheek and walked up to the barista and ordered a drink. She set the bag of books on the table.

"Five sixteen," he said and she handed him the money.

She got her coffee and bag and left, going down the normal path that would lead her home.

When she walked in the door. She knew something was off. Her father and Tony Stark were sat in the living room.

"Uh, Dad?" She asked as he stared at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked and Fiona raised an eyebrow, looking to Tony.

Internship, he mouthed out and returned to the expression he had before, one full of concern.

"What do you mean?" She questioned, unsure of how this subject was going.

"That you're on the brink of losing your job, that you haven't showed up to it in weeks?" He asked and looked her up and down, "when was the last time you changed your clothes?"

Fiona's eyes started to water and she looked down, the memory of Peter holding her in his arms felt so distant.

"Is this about Peter?" He asked and Tony gave her a confused look.

"I miss him," she sniffed and rubbed her face.

Fiona dropped her bag on the kitchen table and looked back at them.

"I'll go shower and put on clean clothes," she stated, moreover a command she gave herself.

She walked out of the room and into her own, going to the bathroom and saw her hairy body. She cringed and got in the tub, turning on the water and made sure the shower head turned on. Fiona washed herself, and shaved, discovering bruises on her legs that she hadn't seen before. When she got out and got dressed, her scalp felt better. She felt a bit better.

Fiona out on some clean clothes and walked out with a towel wrapped around her head.

"Fiona," her dad spoke in exasperation, a pleading look on his face.

Fiona was sullen, stoic. She looked at the both of them and raised an eyebrow.

"Is this an intervention?" She asked and Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. Fiona dad stood up and walked over, enveloping her in a hug.

Fiona hugged back, burying her face in her fathers chest, shutting her eyes as she let a few tears seep into his shirt. Her dad pulled away and looked down at her.

"Will having crack down on you about your job help you get to it?" He asked and Fiona shrugged.

"We can try positive reinforcement," she suggested.

Fiona's father nodded and looked over at Tony who was typing away at his phone. Town felt the gaze and looked up, smiling.

"Alright!" Tony chirped, "see you Monday, kid."


billy burke portrays her father. twilight does not exist for the sake of this role.

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