Courting a Princess

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"Nii-chan, lets have lunch together" Tetsumi was hugging Kuroko from behind, they were walking in the hallway.

"I bet you'd prefer being with Akashi-kun than me..." he was walking, with his face in a pokerface, but a bit jealous.

"I want to be with nii-chan..." she pouted.

"Tetsu!!!~~" Aki waved at Kuroko, walking toward the twins, ".... Arree yaa?? Tetsumi too!!!~ Hallooo!!!~ Have you seen Seiju-cchi??"

Tetsumi pouted and went beside her brother then turns to Aki and waves, "Aki-hime! Hello there!!!" she greeted with a wide smile.

Somewhere near them, Kise was in the hallway, signing some autographs from the fangirls when suddenly he saw them, "Kurokocchi? Tetsumicchi too?" his eyes suddenly sparkled when it landed on Aki, "Akicchi!!" he was waving happily at her

Fangirls: ∑(▼□▼メ)

"I was looking for Seiju-cchi.... You see, he said I should post these on the gym later at 2:00 .. OH!!~ And by the way, Seiju-cchi said you should go to the gym later at 3:00 ... He'll have something for ya.... ^^ Awwwwhhh.... Love is in the air....and Ryouta, do your job there-ssuu!!!!~~~ Mouu!!!~" Aki said, she was blushing when she turned at Kise

"Eh? Gym?" she blinks a few times and she suddenly remembered about the thing Akashi was saying yesterday.

"Ah wait, wait, I'll be done in a minute 'ssu~ wait for me" at the same time Kise was smiling widely and signning the autographs happily.

"Sou desu yoo...." Aki looked at Kuroko and smiles, "... Tetsu~~" she grinned and hugged him, "How are you-ssuu??" she kissed his cheek, obviously making Kise jealous, though little did she know that Kuroko also has hidden feelings for her.

"A-ah! Akicchi! (」゜ロ゜)」" Kise at once left his fangirls and went toward them, "Kurokocchi! Get away from Akicchi 'ssu yo!!! (>A<) Mou Akicchi, you should not hug and kiss other guys except for me 'ssu!"

Tetsumi was staring at Kise's fangirls who were burning with jealousy, "uh..."

Aki then looked at Kise, "Oi, go back to them, look, they are getting mad at me... Your harem is calling you... " but she was actually was jealous too that he's very surrounded by girls, "I'll just tag along with Tetsu. for now.. After all, you cannot introduce me to the world-ssuu... Because your popularity will be low..."

"But i want to be with Akicchi 'ssu..." he then suddenly turns to his fangirls, "Gomen minna, i'll be entertaining you some other time 'ssu~" he smiled and winked at them before grabbing Aki's hand and takes her away from the group, especially from Kuroko.

"Choo-- CHOO CHO CHO--!!!~" Aki was crying in chibi form like a kid being dragged away from her candy.

Tetsumi then turns to her brother and pokes his cheek, "jealous~" she teased.

"Urusai desu yo.. " he sips his vanilla shake a bit harder, looking away, blushing a bit.

Tetsumi hugged his arm, "Don't worry nii-chan, you still got me here" she smiled a bit, "and you blushing like that.." hen poked his cheek, "so cute" she gave out a soft chuckle.

"Yamete kudasai.. This is not funny at all.." he looked at her with his pokerface, "Let us go back to class.."

"Just when I'm having fun....." Tetsumi said to her brother, pouting.

Kuroko looked at her and offered her the rest of his vanilla shake, she then smiled widely and accepts the milkshake, "Arigato nii-chan!" she exclaimed as she took a sip on the vanilla shake while he was still holding it.

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