The kiss of a dark knight

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I felt empty when he left.. my heart began to feel so heavy, it ached for him. It was hard for me to breathe, he was no longer beside me..

"Doctor! Doctor! Someone! CALL THE DOCTOR NOW! The operation needs to take place NOW!"

I heard voices around my room and it looks like the loudest belongs to my cousin, Subaru-nii. I felt someone carrying me, my eyesight was now so blurry.

I have to let him go even if it is against my will.. I have to let Seijuro go..


I was now in the airport, I decided to take a taxi and go directly to the unit I have. I'm in the States now if you're wandering where I am.

I know Tetsumi was going to take her operation here in States and I'm planning to visit her after the operation. I know that the operation would be successful, Tetsumi's a strong girl and.. I know that she'll keep her promise to me.

I regretted that I left her in the States two years ago. I have to go back to Japan for my studies and it was my parents' wishes too. But then when I learned she had an accident a week after I left, it was like my world crashed down on me.. I was glad she was alive, she survived the accident but I was very sad when I learned that her memories about me was forgotten.. it could be anyone but why does it need to be me?

It took me many months.. to get over the news, I wanted to visit her in the States but sadly, I can't.

When I learned that she returned to Japan, I quickly assigned someone to search her, it almost took me a month and a half before I can finally find her and when I did, there she was, with the smile I always loved but... she was not mine anymore.. someone took her from me.. and I plan to take her back no matter what.. it's only the matter of time before I do. The matter of time when her memories would return and her feeling for me would eventually return... that's when I'll be taking her back,

As I reached my unit, I let someone take my bags, I went to a nearby park and took a stroll.

This was the park where Tetsumi and I would always visit.. I would always accompany her wherever she would go and she would always have that warm smile plastered on her lips.

I returned to my unit and went to my bed, my eyes eventually shut out..

"Oh! It's Shoi-chan!" she was smiling widely toward me that I can't help but to smile back.

"You already know my son?" My mother asked as she turned to Tetsumi.

Tetsumi nodded and smiled at her, "Yup~! I met Shoi-chan earlier desu!"

My father patted her head, "That's great, so our children already knows each other, huh Saito?"

Tetsumi's father nodded, he bent down and whispered something to Tetsumi which made her smile wider, if that was possible.

"Good evening sir." I greeted her father who just nodded at me.

"So this is your son?" He asked my dad.

My dad nodded and they started having a conversation together with my mom.

I noticed Tetsumi smiling at me. I scratched my cheek lightly with a finger, "Uh..yes?"

She held my both hands, "I didn't know your parents and my dad are friends.."  she slightly pouted, "I could have known you earlier in Japan you know.."

I smiled, "Would you like to dance?" I asked her as I changed the topic.

She nodded and once again smiled, "Sure! I would love to!"

I turned to my parents and her dad, they were busy talking about something. I gave out a sigh and took Tetsumi's right hand and lead her to the dance floor.

"I'm not a good dancer, but I know a little.." Tetsumi said as she placed her left hand on my shoulder and her right hand holding back mine.

I smirked at her cuteness as I placed my free hand on her small waist, we started dancing by then, "Hm, you dance pretty well"

Her face reddened and a small shy smile plastered her lips, "T-Thank you...Sei-chan taught me how to dance before my grandma did.."

"Sei-chan'? A friend of yours?" I asked, smiling as I was the one leading the dance.

"My friend in Japan!" she exclaimed  happily.

Oh so I was not her first dance, too bad.. I guess I'll be taking her last.

"By the way, Tetsumi,  I heard that you are here in States because of health medication, do you have some.." I paused when I noticed her face saddened. "O..oh I'm sorry.. I didn't meant to--

"No, it's alright.." she just smiled sadly and after that she didn't spoke. But we did continued to dance. "I'll tell you one day.."

[After a week]

I decided to visit her to the hospital, by this time now, she would be awake..

"Why isn't she waking up? Doctor?!!! Why?!!!"

I heard voices from inside her room as I stood infront of the door.

"I do not know what's wrong, I'm sorry, we've done all we's up to her if she'll wake up now...we cannot do anything to a person in a coma....her operation was successful but we don't know why she isn't waking up now.... But all we know is... if she continue to sleep for a very long while, the operation is useless...she'll die if she won't wake matter what we try to do..."

"This can't be! We have to do something!"

I entered, Tetsumi was still there, her eyes closed, she was lying down on  a bed.

"W..What?...What do you mean...? Tetsumi...? ...She...she...why is she still...----

"Y..You?.....Why are you here?!" Subaru was surprised to see me, I guess he didn't expected my coming.

I slowly walked toward Tetsumi, my heart wa beating fast but at the same time it was heavy., "W..What do you mean that..if she won't wake up s..she'll die...?"

I cupped Tetsumi's cheek with my shaking right hand.. "N..No..She'll wake up.. for sure.."

She was there, lying down the bed, her skin was white as snow, her hair like the vast sky.. her lips.. her lips just like a pink rose..her eyelashes were long. Even though asleep, she looked beautiful.

"Shoichi, why are you here?" Subaru asked in a calm voice now.

Before I knew it, the doctor left with the nurses..

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here for Tetsumi.." I answere in almost a whispering tone, I was still looking at her, not leaving my gaze from her.

I heard a heavy sigh, then a door opened and shut close.. Subaru left the room.

"Tetsumi, why won't you wake up..?" I sat down on the bed beside her still body, my hand was still cupping her face, caressing her cheek with my thumb.

I leaned and rested my forehead on her's. "Tetsumi..."

I closed my eyes and placed my lips on hers. I kissed her gently...sweetly... lovingly.. then leaned back and held her hand. "I'm here now.. by your side.. Tetsumi..I'm here..."


I suddenly turned and saw a girl with the same hair color as Tetsumi. She was looking furiously at me.

"HOW DARE YOU KISSED SUMI-NYAN?!!!" the girl continued to yell.

Just before I can reply, I felt Tetsumi's hand held back mine which made me turned to her.

"You! Answer---

"Tetsumi? Tetsumi? Can you hear me? Tetsumi?" I called to her and I noticed her lips moved into 'O' .. she just said something but her voice was not there.

I at once turned to the other girl, "You! Call the doctor! Now! Tetsumi's waking up!" I said raising my voice.

"A-Ah yes! Right away! Right away!" And with that she rushed out the room.

I turned to Tetsumi and cupped her cheek once again.  "Tetsumi, can you here me? Tetsumi?"

"..S..S..Shoi..chan..?" she whispered softly as she slowly opened her eyes.

The side of my lips turned upward.. Did she just called me 'Shoi-chan'?

"Tetsumi.." I said softly, smiling at her who was now looking at me.

She gently smiled at me, "I know you'll come for me... w..what took you so long..?"

Just before I can answer, the doctor rushed in with the girl earlier and Subaru following behind. The doctor starter checking Tetsumi up.

"H.How is she? W..What happened?" Subaru asked as he turned to the doctor then to me.

The doctor turned to us after a while, he smiled, "She's alright now, she escaped death.."

I turned back to Tetsumi and was surprised to see her sleeping again.

"Oh, don't worry, this time she is just sleeping, after a while or tonight, she'll wake up. But one thing is for sure, she has waken up from her coma." the doctor said looking at me.

With that Subaru and the doctor started talking to each other as they went out the room.

The girl turned to me, "This time, I'll overlook what just happened earlier, but next time.." she took out a black scissor, "There won't be any next time." Her eyes were piercing like a knife but eventually softened as she turned to Tetsumi. "I'm glad Sumi-nyan has woken up."

She walked toward the chair beside Tetsumi's bed and sat down. She crossed her legs and arms, "My name is Kuroyuki by the way."

3RD Person's POV

Imayoshi and Kuroyuki stayed in Tetsumi's room for a while.

"I'm going to get some food." Imayoshi said as she stood up and walked out the room.

Just when he did, a soft moan was heard inside the room which made Kuroyuki faced Tetsumi. "Sumi-nyan, what kind of dream are you dreaming?! Gross!" >//A//<

"S..Sei..juro.." then another soft moan was heard.

Kuroyuki's face suddenly reddened as she at once stood up and went near Tetsumi, "D-Don't tell me..YOU'RE DREAMING SOMETHING 'ECCHI' WITH MY BROTHER?!!!" O////A/////O

Just then Tetsumi slowly opened her eyes, "S..Seijuro..?"

Kuroyuki's face was still red when she sat on Tetsumi's bed, "T-Too bad but nope~! It's Kuroyuki deshu~!" =////A////=

Tetsumi blinked a few times then smiled, "Oh Kuro-pon, it's nice to see you here.."

Kuroyuki nodded and smiled, "When I learned that you came back in States, I was really glad.  But then you had to do your operation *sighs* but I'm glad you're awake now, that's all what matters. By the way, I'm going back to Japan after two years, I'll be studying my second year in high school there, how about you?"

'I'm still not sure when I'll be returning" Tetsumi gave out a sigh, "Oh, Kuro-pon, can you help me in sitting down?"

Kuroyuki nodded and did helped Tetsumi in sitting down. After that she went back to the chair she was sitting earlier and took out a box with red ribbon, she reach it out to Tetsumi, "Here, for you."

Tetsumi opened the box after recieving it, inside the box were sweet cupcakes with different flavors. Tetsumi's eyes sparkled at the glowing cupcakes inside the box. "T---This is for me????" She turned to Kuroyuki then back to the cupcakes.

Kuroyuki beamed as she nodded, "I know you love those~! So I decided to buy one for you!"

"Uwaaa! Kuro-pon! Arigatou!!!!" Tetsumi took one blueberry flavoured cupcake and started eating it. "Sooo delicious~~~!!!!" she moaned in delight.

When she was done eating the blueberry cupcake, the door opened and revealed a tall, black haired, handsome guy wearing a spectacles.... Imayoshi Shoichi.

Tetsumi's eyes widened, "S-S-Shoichi-senpai! You're here?!!!!" She was very surprised to see him.

"Aryaa, you're finally awake, I'm glad." he walked toward her and sat at another blank chair that was beside Tetsumi's bed, he was also holding a buoquet of dark blue roses.

"S-Since when are you here?" Tetsumi asked, it looked like she has forgotten what happened earlier when she first woke up.

"That's of course to see you. How are you feeling?" He gave her the buoquet which made her smile, she loved flowers after all.

"I'm feeling better than before! Thank you for the roses!" Tetsumi smiled sweetly at him.

Though Kuroyuki was glaring at Imayoshi, she didn't like the guy since he was her older brother's love rival. Though Imayoshi ignored the glares Kuroyuki was sending.

He noticed the box full of cupcakes, though Tetsumi at once leaned in and hugged the box, "I'm not sharing!"

Imayoshi chuckled a bit, "I know."

Kuroyuki was not going to leave Tetsumi's side especially when Imayoshi was there. She saw the kiss he gave her earlier and she didn't liked it since she was a Seijuro x Tetsumi shifter.

After that the room became quiet, Tetsumi was eating the cupcakes as Imayoshi put the roses in a vase. Kuroyuki went toward the balcony and decided to call someone.

"Hello? Sheimi?" Kuroyuki said.

"Ah! Kuroyuki-hime, it's been a while since you last called"  the girl in the other line said.

(A/n: Remember Sheimi in the 'Mr. Bishounen' chapter? Yup, that's her. She's one of the maid in Akashi's household in the same time she also studies in Teiko, Akashi assigned her to be with Tetsumi wherever she goes inside the school whenever he was not beside her, though Tetsumi didn't know that. Oh! And Kuroyuki's picture at the left, although that's when her hetero eyes awakened. She kinda looks like Tetsumi because of their hair color. ;3)

"Yeah, yeah, by the way, how's it going in Teiko? How's Sei-kyun doing? I mean, Tetsumi's no longer at his side there, right? So how's the atmosphere there?" -Kuroyuki

"Well you see, ever since the young master came, there was this strange atmosphere that surrounded him. And one time, Murasakibara-kun challenged the young master,  the young master was about to lose when suddenly someting weird happened.."  -Sheimi

"Eh? What do you mean something weird happened?" Kuroyuki asked, a bit confused.

"The young master's eyes somehow turned into a after that he suddenly changed.. his attitude toward his team and towards others.. The young master seemed a bit's like he's no longer the same Akashi-sama.. it looks like his gentle part of him has been disappear..." Sheimi paused in the other line. "I think it because of what happened.. Tetsumi leaving and your mother passing out.. Murasakibara-kun just pulled the trigger...that's what I think though..."

Kuroyuki paused for a long while, how can her brother changed? Is it all because of sadness? Akashi was not a weak guy. No, that's not it...he's strong.. he's absolute in everything. But his weakness, yes, maybe because of his weakness, the girl sitting on the bed, laughing with his love rival.. and also.. the death of their beloved mother.

"Kuroyukihime? Are you still there? Kuroyuki-sama?" Sheimi's voice from the other line snapped Kuroyuki out from her deep thoughts.

"Ah, yes, yes, I'm still here, I'll call you later. Bye bye for now. Oh and thanks for the info" with that Kuroyuki ended the call.

She returned to her seat and watched Tetsumi eat the cupcakes with huge appetite. "Sumi-nyan, you should slow down, it's not like the cupcakes are going to disappear."

"Yes, I agree with Kuroyuki, I'm not going to steal any cupcakes" Imayoshi then said with a sweatdrop on his cheek as he watched Tetsumi eat.

Tetsumi pouted and took another bit, "I'm hungry, you can't blame me for---

Tetsumi suddenly covered her mouth, her stomach was feeling not good, it was like she was about to throw up.

She was about to get out the bed but then, Imayoshi reach out a plastic bag to her which she at once accepted and started throwing up inside it.

"See, I told you.  You're body can't just eat so much with your condition right now," Kuroyuki said with a worried expression as she patted Tetsumi's back gently.

After throwing up she was given a glass of water, the plastic bag was disposed in the trash by Imayoshi.

Kuroyuki took the box of cupcakes from her and placed it in the small refrigerator that was inside the room.

Imayoshi came back and sat in his chair that was beside Tetsumi's bed. He gave out a sigh, "You should--

When he held her hand, she was burning, "Tetsumi!" He at once placed his hand on her forehead "You have a fever, you should rest," he looked worried when he said that.

Tetsumi's face was getting paler, her body heavier but she managed to give out a weak smile, "Shoi-chan..I'm fine..Fine.."

But Imayoshi gently placed her to lie down on her bed.

"Sumi-nyan, you should rest," Kuroyuki said as she arranged the bedsheet and pulled it up to her chest.

"I'm fine.. fine.. As long as" And with that she fell asleep.

Kuroyuki was surprised by what she just said and sent glares to Imayoshi who ignored them once again and just smile.

Kuroyuki gave out a heavy sigh, "Will she be alright?"

Suddenly the door burst open, revealing the doctor earlier and Subaru who was behind him, now in a nurse outfit. "Don't worry she's fine, she only have some morning sickness. It's pretty normal for a pregnant woman."

"P-Pregnant?!!" -Imayoshi/Kuroyuki


Noooooooo!!!!! Tetsumi!!!! DOn't remeber Imayoshi!!!!!!! YOu have to forget him!!!!!!!!! JUst continue loving Akashi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >A<

Sooo how are you minna? It has been a while since I last updated? kufufufu

What will happen next? Have any idea?? ;3

Will Imayoshi accept the fact that Tetsumi is pregnant ooooorr, will Tetsumi keep the child when now that her memories abour Imayoshi is slowly returning? Mwuahahaha!!!

I'm planning to put some blood shed here~~~!!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own KnB chara and Kuroyuki and Aki, I just own my other Ocs.

Kuroyuki (Kurohime) belongs to none other than strawbirella-pooooonnnn who's also my friend in fb !!!!!! :3

Aki/ Hanamura Akiyo  belongs to my close close close friend and colleague and my ex-dormmate~~~!!!!!

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