Rings of love

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After Akashi leaving and his grandfather's visitation, the house was not that lively anymore, there was this heavy atmosphere that filled it. Even the twins could feel it. Unlike their playful attitudes, this day was different, but of course Tetsumi won't let it stay there forever.

She dressed up the twins into their yukata, Setsuro wearing a red one while Tsumiro a blue one. Upon learning that they'll be going to a festival, liveliness filled them once again.

After helping them, Tetsumi went to dress herself up. Wearing a blue yukata with a fur trim. Her grown sky blue hair was beautifully arranged into a stylish ponytail. She also put on some light makeup since she wanted to be presentable infront of Akashi. She was like a flower, a princess, a butterfly for those who saw her. She looked really elegant and beautiful.

She looked really different that night. People who saw her would usually take some glances at her, though she didn't seem to mind it.

Tetsumi, her brother and her sons were roaming around the place, when suddenly someone went running toward them, one with crimson hair and the other with teal one.

"Tetsu-kyun! Sumi-kyun~!" Kuroyuki called, she was wearing her yukata and her hair was well fixed.

The twins hid behind their mother upon seeing Kuroyuki and Akiyo.

"We found a great place to watch fireworks! We gotta be there!" Akiyo exclaimed happily she then turned around, "Eh?!! Where's Ryouta?"

Kuroyuki turned to her, "He was following a while ago, right? He was just behind us...... complaining.."

Akiyo gave out a heavy sigh, "That guy! I'll go find him! You all can go ahead, we'll just go meet there-- oh! And Tsumi~" Akiyo turned to her and grinned, "Seiju wants you alone, he's waiting in the temple." And with that she left before waiting for anyone's responses.

Kuroyuki chuckled a bit at her sister and turned back to Tetsumi and Kuroko, she then noticed the two little guys hiding behind Tetsumi, peeking at her. "KYAAA~~!!! Are they your twins??!!!" She asked excitedly, it has been a long while since she last saw them.

Tetsumi nodded, smiling. "Setsuro, Tsumiro, she's your aunt Kuroyuki but just call her Hime desu~"

Setsuro looked at his mother then to Kuroyuki, "Aunt Hime..?"

"Hai~ She's your daddy's sister, oh and the girl earlier is your aunt Aki, she's also your daddy's sister.." Tetsumi said, patting their heads.

"Can auntie recieve a hug~?" Kuroyuki bent down to their level and open her arms as if inviting them into a warm embrace.

Tsumiro gave out a smile as he felt a kind and warm atmosphere around her, he hesitated at first but went to hug her. "Auntie Hime.."

"Uwaaaa~ My Tsumiro has grown big!" Kuroyuki said happily as she hug him and carried him as she stood up.

"Me want a hwug too!!!" Setsuro complained as he went toward his aunt Kuroyuki.

Kuroko stood beside Hime and went to carry Setsuro. "Ikou.. don't you want to go play in some booths?" He then turned to his sister. "We'll be going ahead now, Akashi-kun must be waiting.."

"Please take care of them. Setsuro, Tsumiro, I'll see you later, okay? Have fun~" Tetsumi waved as her sons waved back.

"See you later Momma!"

"Don't worry Sumi-kyun, you can leave everything to us." Kuroyuki winked before she went walking beside Kuroko, they looked like a family with the twins in their arms which made Tetsumi chuckled.

Tetsumi was now left alone in the middle of the crowd. she then climb the long stairs to go in the temple. And when she finally reached up, there he was, standing and was looking at the starry sky.

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