Meeting his parents

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It was late in the afternoon when Akashi picked her up, they were now inside the limo that was driving them to Akashi's residence.

Akashi was seating beside Tetsumi and was holding her hands gently, "How are your parents?" he asked.

He was not able to met them earler since her mother went to the market and her father has some work to do.

"They're fine!" she smiled widely at him.

He looked at her and smiled back, "I see I can never forget auntie's cookies, is she still baking them?"


I grinned widely at him, "Yup! Mother's cooking and baking ablities are the best~!"

Sei-chan was my childhood friend when I was 5 years old, I met him because of a fallen icecream, I can still clearly remember how we met,


"UWAAAAA!!!!!!" MY Icecream~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried hardly, I was sitting on the ground, infront of the fallen icecream.

I didn't notice how long I was crying but I really cried hardly, I really love icecream, and how I wasted one, it hurts so much, I also wasted my money and now I don't have any extra money to buy another one.

"Excuse me" I heard a gentle voice of a boy.

When I looked up to see him, he was looking at me with such gentle eyes, he was reaching out his hand, holding an icecream for me.He was just the same age as me.

Before I know it, I already stopped crying.

"Here" he said.

But I continued to stare at  him.I didn't know how to react at that time.

"Are you going to take it?It's ging to melt you know," he said with a a gentle smile.

Everything about him, his eyes, face, smile everything was gentle.

"T..Thank you..." I reach out for the icecream and he helped me in standing up.

"Akashi Seijuro" he said introducing himself to me.

"mmm..Sumi!" I was in the middle of licking the icecream as I introduced myself back.


I would always bring some of my mother's cookies for him at that time.

I heard him chuckled softly, he lifted up my hand and kissed it lightly, I felt sparks as he did it. "I am sure my parents would love you"

"You think so....?" I felt my face heating up, "I...I'm a bit nervous in meeting them..."

I met his parents back then when I was brough to his house, it really was a traditional Japanese house and it was big!

"You shouldn't be" he went off the car, opening the door for me, it was then when I noticed we finally reached his home. "..or maybe you should be.. but don't worry, I have your back, we'll have dinner, just be yourself, you'll be fine" he gave me a heart warming smile.

All I have to do is be myself, Sei-chan is with me.

I was still sitting inside the car as I turned to him, "Nee, can you come inside first?"

"What kind of gentleman will leave his lady inside a car and enter? You will go with me.." he extented his hand for me, "You don't have to be afraid..I'm here with you, we'll go together"

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