A New Start

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Okaaayyy.... Gomen if I just updated now desu XD Well then, I'm back~ Missed me? Nope? Okay... (. ___ .) 

Well then here's a chappie for you desu~ Sorry for keeping you all wait ;3


A year has passed after the incident, Tetsumi was now in her third year.

Last year, the snow white play was cancelled because of Akashi's request, their class just held a maid cafe. He was not able to attend the twins birhday since his grandfather summoned him at that time. Many things have gone all wrong at that time.. just because of one accident.. the death of Imayoshi..

Just like last year, Tetsumi was once again classmates with Akashi but Tetsumi was no longer the same, since that incident, her cheerful self was all gloomy, she would rarely smile, rarely talk with others..

It was now in the middle of the year, many was surprised by the sudden change of Tetsumi.. She was now returning in her usual self, smiling, laughing, even talking with others..

I have to move on.. Shoichi.. I know he wants me to.. 

Meanwhile, Akashi went inside the room, he just came from the council meeting since he was still the student council president. 

He looked so stressed, it was almost time for class, he even hadn't lunch yet and Tetsumi noticed this. She went to take something from her bag and went to him, "I told you not to stress yourself! How many times do I have to tell you? Look at yourself, are you even eating well?" She gave out a sigh, she placed her bento box on his desk, she actually waited for him since earlier, "Seriously.. you know how much I hate it when you stress yourself.. horaa.. there's still time left, eat up, okay?" She smiled at him and went back to her seat which was at the back.

Akashi wasn't able to say anything, he looked at the bento and stared at it for a moment, and before he realized it, he was already smiling. He opened the bento and ate the contents of it, by the time he covered it back again, it was when the teacher came.

When he moved the bento, there was a small paper under it..

'Sorry if you waited long.. I'm back :)

Would you like to go home together? If it's alright for you.. can we?'

It was almost a year that they distanced themselves with each other, never talking but this time, Tetsumi was doing the first step.

After reading the note, Akashi looked at her at the back then turned to the note once again. He wrote something on a sticknote pad and sticks it to the bento cover and made someone return it.

'I have council meeting this afternoon, will you be able to wait?'

Tetsumi smiled upon reading the note he wrote, she looked at him and saw him looking at her so she nodded with a smile before turning back to the teacher.

After class, Akashi already went out for the council meeting. Tetsumi went in her shoe locker and a letter was seen.

"Oh my! Tetsumi! You have an admirer! Kyaaha~ Admirer!" Tetsumi's friend, Reika started teasing her when she noticed the love letter.

"E-Eh..? That can't be.." Tetsumi took the letter and opened it..

'The first time I met you, I knew it was you...

-Hello, Kuroko Tetsumi :)'

"Ehh? I don't think this is a love letter.. more like a greeting?" She said as she kept the letter in her pocket and went to take her shoes.

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