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i saw jasey every tuesday.

every time Christopher asked her

the reason

why she should not die

she would give him

a different one every week.

with a dash of sass

because she had her own class.



was delirious

in her own little way.

her thoughts were as deep

as the blue in her eyes

and her words were as twisted

as her insane mind.

she was weird, the good kind.

but don’t we always say that?

jasey changed how i thought

about everyone.

every authentic thought

that escaped from her lips

were a travesty of our cruel suburbia.

now everyone i come across

is insane.


every tuesday

jasey and i

 drove to a small playground

at the edge of town

where we would talk

about anything and everything

until the sun said goodbye.

words came easy with jasey.

she was very smart

very deep

very bitter

and very wild.

but mostly deep.

after session we went to the playground

and sat on the rusty swing

as the wind blew in.


“if you died,”

i remember asking;

“would you go to heaven

or hell?”

it was a straight- forward question

a question you were supposed

to know the answer to already.


“well, irwin.

if you must know

i won’t go neither.”

she laughed bitterly.

and so i asked her why she said so.

jasey looked at me

in the way only she ever did.

the one

where she cocked her head

pouted her lips and looked

adorable as fuck.

“hell is too full

and heaven won’t take me.”


and so

i felt my heart grew lighter

as i knew that a piece of it

 now belongs to jasey rae.


okay this is where i stop. i can't upload everything at once. i'm not one to stick to schedules much so i can't promise anything. anyway vote, comment and/or follow!

please, please, please tell me what you think of it so far.

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