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i brought her down

to a café we found

a few blocks along the twisted road

leading out of the care centre.

"i remember how i lost my breath

that night as i closed my eyes.

i couldn't call for sally

because she had locked my room

after she caught me smoking twice

on the roof the night before.

i kicked and banged

until the ancient door came off

she saw me lying on the ground

as i fought for dear old life

and raced me to the hospital."

she stirred her black coffee

but didn't take a sip.

i watched her intently

as a tear went down her cheek

and dropped into her cup.

"tell me jasey rae; what is going on?

i'd insist to know

even if you won't tell me."

she took a deep breath

as she drank the cup of black coffee

with her dash of tear in it.

"i'm dying, ashton

can't you see?

a million black monsters

tearing every single damn bit of me.

born from smoke and loved by coffee

i'm pretty sure they can't be killed."

if my heart could break anymore

i'd be a pile of dust.

insane. ➼irwinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora