could never

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i would like to tell you right now

that here is where all things

go down.

there was one midnight

when jasey called me in tears.

her words were slurred and broken

and i knew she was drunk

completely taken over by

her fascination over pink wine.

where she got the wine, i don’t know.

i rarely heard my dear jasey cry

and with the way she was living

you would have expected her to breakdown

more than most.



come here, please.

i need you right now.”

the very desperation in her voice

the way i could feel her need

for me to be there for her

made me jump out of bed

at three seventeen a.m.

and so i came to her and

i took my mother’s car

in which i would have to face

her wrath the morning after.


i drove to where i thought she was and

she was sitting at a bus stop

four blocks from her orphanage

with a bottle of wine in her hand

wine that wasn’t pink

and a dying smoke in the other.

but she didn’t get in the car

so i got out and sat next to her

close enough i could hear her breathing.

her sharp intakes of breath

that marked the sad remnants of her sobs.

i noticed, of course, her tear-stained cheeks

her smoky sweatshirt

and the quirk in the air.


and we just sat there in silence

as the drink was eventually

passed between us.

i guess she finally composed herself

because her sweet pink lips

moved in slow motion

as her words formed

and her fingers let the smoke fall to the ground.

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