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jasey didn’t show up

for our session that tuesday.

everyone noticed

even christopher

even insane julia

even the janitor

even the weird woman who roamed the parking lot-

for they all knew that jasey would be there

if i was

and would only flake

if i did

but nobody said anything.


i thought to myself

maybe she flaked or one of the children

was sick again like last time

and she had to play babysitter.

when i got into my mother’s black prius

she asked me how session was

and i told her it was okay

because i didn’t want her to know

i spent my three hours wondering where in hell

my beautiful jasey was.


but then;

i didn’t see her for a week.

when i checked the orphanage

sally told me she was not to be seen.

i spammed her phone a million times

i tapped her window just as much.

but she was never there

she was never there to answer.


i couldn’t believe it.

jasey had left me

even when i told her

i would never;

from hell and back

 do so.


any guesses on what's going on? or where jasey is?

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