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jasey was right.

she knew she was right.

i did think of her differently

even after i told her i’d never do so.

but could you blame me?


“i bet you must hate me, ashton.

you can leave me now

nobody ever stays anyway.”

she said.

i could be afraid of her

but i could never hate jasey,



“you wouldn’t kill your mother

if you hadn’t the reason to.”

i said.

besides, she must have repented

she must have rued it.

she just-she must have.


“in the end

i’m only one of those people

who are more insane than others.

and no one can deny it.

i have gone to juvie

twenty-five mental institutes

eleven orphanages

and one hundred and four therapy sessions

since i was ten years old.

i’m not sick, ashton.

i know i’m not

but they keep telling me i am

telling me that i did something

i never remembered doing.

i don’t know where the glitch is

but it’s just there, maybe it’s me

i’m just a flaw, some kind of mistake.”

her slow intake of breaths filling the area.

 a tear rolled down her pink tear-stained cheeks

and she got up from my lap.

but trust me when i say

she was too beautiful to let go of.

and too broken

to stay unfixed.


even so

i could still feel my heart and my mind

finding its way to maneuver to jasey’s.

i was falling in love with jasey

and i could only wish to myself

that she was falling for me too

because it’s just no fun

falling in love alone.


“just stay

jasey rae

and we’ll fix you



insane. ➼irwinWhere stories live. Discover now