Chapter 39

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"So what brings you here?" I asked as we sat down on the couch.

I always enjoy her company.

I'm gonna ask her out soon, but I just haven't found the courage yet.

"W-Well.. Kawaii Chan has some news..." She started nervously.


She doesn't usually act so giddy around me.

She took a few deep breaths before continuing.

"K-Kawaii Chan is pregnant with your baby..."


Did I just hear her right?

I let out a dry chuckle.

"D-Did you just say... pregnant...?" I questioned, clearly shocked.

She nodded while holding back tears.

"Kawaii Chan is so sorry Dante Senpi!" She cried.

Wait what!?

"Nononono, KC I think you misunderstood me. I'm really glad I get to start a family with you. To be completely honest, I've been wanting to ask you out for a while now." I admitted.

Her eyes widened. "R-Really!?"

I smiled at her.

"Yes Kawaii Chan. I'm serious."

She broke into a full on grin.

"Kawaii Chan is so happy to her that! She thought you wouldn't except the baby."

"Why would you think that? I'm more than happy! I don't think anything could make me a happier man right now. Well... except for one thing..." I started nervously.

She gave me a puzzled look. "And what's that?"

Here goes nothing.

I looked her straight in the eyes.

"Kawaii Chan... Will you be my girlfriend?"



I continued to walk back and forth in my room.

You've got to be kidding me.

Zane and Aph are back together!?!


How could I let such a huge setback like this happen!?


Oh well.

I guess things will have to get a little messy.

Say good-bye to your little friend Zane.

The next few days will be his last.

I'll make sure of that.



I sighed dreamily as I plopped onto my couch.

I'm finally back with Aph.

This is what I've been waiting for.

I feel so alive right now.

"Well, well, well." A familiar voice called from the shadows.

What the heck!?

Is someone in my house?!?

"Who's there!?" I demanded while surveying my surroundings.

Why does that voice sound so familiar!?

It's bothering me...

Like a lot...

I don't know a lot of people, but who I do know would never break into my house.

"Heh. Wouldn't you like to know," The voice teased sarcastically.


Now this guy is getting on my nerves.

"Just show yourself dang it!" I yelled.

"Such a temper. You really need to control that. I'm giving you advice here." The voice suggested.

How is this guy!?

And why in Irene's name is he in my house!?!

Ayeeee! My goal is to finish the book today, but if that doesn't end up working out... uh.... well.... sorry about that, xD. Anyone else stressing over Eren's possible look for season 3 of AOT? No? Just me? Okay...

That's all for now.


Word count: 470 <3

Falling In Love With My Best Friend // Zanemau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now