~Facts and Questions about Janus-Faced~

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~Facts About Janus-Faced~
1) This idea was originally going to be used for a Todoroki x Reader oneshot.
2) I gave (Name)'s female side Exoskeleton, because I thought it would be funny to see male villains underestimate her, because that quirk focuses on physical attacks.
3) At the beginning of the story (Name) despised her quirk, so she tended to stay as a female. So, her Exoskeleton quirk was stronger than her telekinesis. Towards the middle, when she learns of Todoroki's struggle she starts to cope with it.
4) Jorge was Rosita's childhood crush and eventual boyfriend before Cybil. When she married him, they broke it off. But after Rosita's divorce she went back to his open arms.
5) The (Last Name) family quirks are, Zach- Telekinesis, Rosita- Telekinesis, Cybil- Exoskeleton, Jorge- Enhanced hearing, Ethan- unknown (he's 2!)
6) Originally I wished to give one of (Name)'s genders a mutation quirk, but then I decided against it because her switches would be harder.
7) Sometimes (Name) hears a male voice and sees a male almost identical to her. She believes that's her twin acting as her guardian angel.
8) During (Name)'s year in 7th, the police had retaken Cybil's case. She was given so much crap from the news and her peers, and when she turned to Luzita and Margaretta they waved her off.
9) The (Last Name)'s are half Puerto Rican and half Peruvian.
10) (Name) sees Present Mic as an awkward uncle! She tends to ask him for advice.
11) Out of all of the students, (Name) tends to talk to Midoriya and Todoroki. Midoriya because he was her first friend and Todoroki because of how similar they are.
12) (Name)'s stats are as following:
Power: 5/5 (A)
Speed: 2/5 (D)
Technique: 4/5 (B)
Intelligence: 5/5 (A)
Cooperativeness: 4/5 (B)
13) (Name)'s Favorite teacher is Present Mic, with Midnight in close second.
14) At one point (Name) had a small crush on Momo.
15) The Story was only supposed to be a Todoroki x Reader, but someone had requested Izuku~ and I decided to add boom boy as a third. Kirishima wasn't added until waaaay later!
16) (Name) surprisingly cares greatly about her curly hair! She has dozens of products for her hair, and constantly watches videos on different ways to style it. On the other hand she just gels back her male sides hair.
17) (Name) Never: Wears makeup, tight clothes, dresses, skirts, heels!
18) Mr. Wawa was a character I created within 5 minutes.
19) (Name) despises gossip, She has been known to call people out for it and draw a crowd.
20) The reason I chose New Orleans is because A) the only big American city I've seen written in is New York or Los Angeles! B) because the city is so culture rich
21) (Name) is 2/20 in academics in 1.A, while in power nobody officially knows (it is rumored she's 1/20)
22) I made (Name) forfeit her match against Todoroki for a handful of reasons. A) She pitied Todoroki's condition, she was like that once with her father. B) She felt it wouldn't be a fair match, and she wanted a true battle. C) I wanted to leave it up to the readers whether she was stronger or not!

      ~Questions About Janus-Faced~
1) Do (Name)'s sexual organs change upon transformation?
Well, I have stated that (Name) was in fact born a female, so she has ovaries and breasts. When she switches genders her area, somewhat mutates into a males (though she does not have sperm) Her breasts just shrink.

2) Do you write as you go along or have a plan set up?
I wrote this as I went along, something I personally don't recommend. When I first started writing I had a handful of things I wanted to include. I wanted the reader to be able to switch genders, I wanted her to be a foreigner, I wanted her to struggle communicating, I wanted her to be friendly yet distant, and I wanted Ida and the reader to fight over her uniform.

3) Why didn't (Name) like Margaretta or Luzita?
      (Name) originally believed they were decent friends. Though she knew they only talked to her because she was powerful and good looking (according to Luz).
        The two are the stereotypical gossipy, whining, in with the trend type of people who only do what is of benefit to them.

4) Do you live in New Orleans?
No! I've actually never been! So I had my fair amount of research to do when writing the locations of the bodega and Mr. Wawa's agency.

5) What is the Reader's Sexual Orientation, considering she could switch genders?
      Well, I've thought about this a lot. Since (Name) is used to being called both a he and she, she doesn't exactly mind. I guess she's somewhat gender fluid!
      Now for her sexuality, I believe she's bisexual, with a slight preference for men!

6) Is the Reader's wiener big?
Really _Kavis_? 😂 Well It depends, honestly I don't think so since she transforms so quickly, I don't think a big one would be able to switch so fast.

7) Can (Name) use her two quirks at once, or only when she switches genders?
      Only when she switches genders! As I've mentioned she's a Siamese twin, so when she switches into a male she's technically a whole other person.

8) Why did the Reader pronounce the character's name's incorrectly?
I did this because it places an emphasis on her American accent, the missing I's and plurals don't exactly put much on it.
Also it you notice 'Towdoerowkey' is how most of us would pronounce it! Same with every Name!

~Questions About the Author~
1) Favorite Show?
      Stranger Things! For those who have never seen it it's on Netflix and a must watch!
      The story focuses on a lost boy named Will Byers. They search for him, but they uncover many strange things ;)! It follows three groups of characters, but at the end each group intertwines with each other.
       The show genre is sci-fi and mystery. It takes place in the 80's. The costumes and sets are spot on! And the plot is phenomenal!

2)State you live in?
I live in the Northern U.S!

3)Favorite Food?
      Gotta love chipotle! (For those who don't know they're burritos!) But I also love me some sushi!

4) Favorite Anime?
MHA! I just loooove it, so unique and different. But a few of my other favorites are Magi, Erased, Attack On Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Yuri On Ice, Haikyuu, and Parasyte. (I could go on and on!)

5) Manga Recommendations?
      If you just watch MHA's anime, I definitely recommend the manga. The anime just covers a few arcs, and will only cover two more! Other than that I would recommend Erased if you like a good mystery, Durarara for a deep and complex plot, and Tokyo Ghoul and Attack On Titan for gore!

6) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I honestly don't know, life is just so weird. But hopefully I'll have a book published and on my way to getting a degree!

7) What's your dream job?
      Definitely a writer. I just love to write, it's my passion. Another thing is probably an animator, I love seeing my creations come to life!

8) Favorite MHA character?
      Chisaki Kai/ Overhaul, I just love his character design! He's just beautiful and his goal is just, but in its own twisted way. But for those who don't know him, it's mai boi Todoroki!
      Everyone thinks he's so cold, but in reality he's an awkward boy trying to make friends. Sooo precious!
Gotta love Dabi, Toga, and Tamaki as well...

      Thank you for reading!!! I you have any more questions feel free to ask, I'll add it here!!

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