Goodbye, Monika

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I opened my eyes and saw Yuri in my vision.

"Oh Yuri." I rubbed my eyes. "Hey."

"You were mumbling in your sleep... did you have a nightmare?"

Quite the opposite actually.

"Huh? Oh no, I didn't really dream at all. It was just a peaceful black."

"Oh well, okay. Are you gonna go back to sleep?"

"Nah, I don't think so. I actually feel like heading home though. How about you?"

"I'd like to head back as well."

She seemed somewhat upset. I guess it was because I mumbled Monika's name. I understand where she's coming from, though. If she mumbled her ex's name after waking up, I'd be pretty pissed too.

Wait, did she have an ex?

No, I suppose not. I don't think she was programmed with one.

We headed back to the car. On the way, I started thinking about the dream I had. I realized that I had slowly been forgetting about Monika until today. It made me feel pretty sad... considering what we had been through. I know I told her I wouldn't forget her, but part of me felt as if that wasn't something I could guarantee.

Ah, but I gotta stop thinking about that for now. I don't wanna end up blurring my vision with tears, especially if I'm driving.

I drove Yuri and I back home. It was a silent car ride, and when we got home, we went inside without saying a word. I started to feel like what I said really made her feel upset. Maybe I should bring it up with her?

Or maybe I'll give her some time. While she went to the guest room, I headed to the kitchen to eat something. I just made a simple ham sandwich with a little bit of chips.

After eating, I felt like I was ready to ask her why she had been so quiet. Upon approaching the door however, my mind felt different. I felt like I wasn't ready anymore. I put my hand on the door knob and thought about it again. Why was I so nervous to ask? I'm just checking up on my girlfriend, that's normal!

After reassuring myself that it was fine, I went into the room and saw Yuri sitting on the bed and reading her book. She took a glance at me as I closed the door, but she just continued reading.

"H-Hey Yuri."

She looked at me again. Her face showed no emotion. "Hi Danny."

"I uh, wanted to talk to you about today."

She closed her book on her thumb. "Okay."

"Are you feeling alright? You've been so quiet since we left the park."

She looked back at her book before looking back at me. Her emotionless expression started to show sadness.

"You said some things while you were sleeping."

"Oh well, like you said, I was mumbling. It just happens I guess."

"Well uh, you weren't exactly mumbling... it actually sounded like you were speaking to someone."

"Well I guess that happens sometimes too. It's not really something to worry about."

I felt myself becoming nervous. I'd understand mumbling, but from what she was saying, It sounded like I did a lot more than just mumble.

"I mean, I normally wouldn't. But the things you were saying. You mentioned Monika quite a bit."

"Did I? That's strange..."

"Do you... miss her?"

"What? No! i'Ve AcTuAlLy BeEn FoRgEtTiNg AbOuT hEr."

"I understand if you do, Danny. She was a really nice girl."

"tRuSt Me, i DoN't. I've only got eyes for you, Yuri. —————— is a thing of the past."

The difference between Yuri and —————— was that Yuri was here now. —————— was just a figment of my subconscious. She's only a memory.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Yuri. I only wanna be with you. I don't know what I said while I was sleeping, but if it wasn't about me loving you, then it ain't true." I sat next to her. "You're my everything Yuri. And that's how it's gonna stay."

She hugged me. "I love you, Danny. I'm sorry for being so insecure."

"It's alright, I understand. Just know that I only want to be with you. Don't let anyone else make you think otherwise."

She gave me a gentle smile. I smiled back at her. We just stared at each other in silence. Part of me felt like she didn't fully believe me when I told her that I only wanted to be with her, but I couldn't worry about that right now. When I saw Monika, I also remembered something else. If memory served me right, Yuri wouldn't be here for very long. It would be another cycle of depression and dealing with psychological treatment.

Ah, but all I could do was wait and see what happened. I also needed to be sure I had access to Keith's house on the weekend. I need to make sure Yuri gets taken back safely. Who knows what'll happen if she's too far?

But one thing was for sure. I had to say goodbye to Monika. I was with Yuri now, I shouldn't even be thinking of Monika.

Goodbye, Monika. It was nice knowing you.

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