83- The Curse of The Bassist

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There's obviously a curse or something between Panic! At The Disco's bassiest.

Brent was the very first memeber to get out the band and be the first bassiests. Now we all know (or should know) that Brent was the one to let Brendon in the band., seeing that there might have been a debate for each person leaving the band (Brent, Jon, Ryan, Dallon, Spencer, and Ian)

Spencer was the one to break the news, that's what Brent said. It all happend through the phone. He also said that Ryan and Brendon said not a thing. So, Ryan and Bren might've been the leaders of the debate for who left that band, and they wanted Spencer to tell Brent.

Then, fast forward, Jon came in to replace Brent. Jon was doing an amazing job *because he's Jon Walker* and then maybe another debate came in, but Pete was in it too. Brendon, Ryan, and Pete all debated. Pete said Jon while Ryan didn't want that. So Ryan left with Jon, and another bassiest left along with another band memeber.

Then after Jon, Dallon came in. The 3rd bassiest of Panic! After losing already 2 other of their old bassiest. Dallon left for his band, I Don't Know How But They Found Me. Just like Jon left for The Young Veins. Jon and Dallon have the same reason: they left for another band with, different people, both named Ryan. Almost exactly the same thing!

And now the new bassists, Nicole, might have the same thing happen to her, she's gonna leave beacuse of the curse.

I mean, Panic! Is a pretty culture thing if I say so. It wouldn't be a suprise that this culture like, whitch craft like, band could possibly make a curse.

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