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MAY of 2017. It was spring time in Rome where flowers begin to bloom again. Lilac and violets opened their tiny buds, waking to the promise of a fresh start.

Europeans named Black and White roamed the country to gather information from Romans. They worked as journalists from a newsletter company in Europe. To preserve their enigmatic content and to continue to wow their readers and subscribers, the duo decided to feature about religion.

They interviewed several Romans about their culture and all of them have a similar answer: Religion is the only thing that keeps Rome alive.

Black got into thinking: Are all people in Rome this weird?

After the first round of the interview, the two journalists rested on a bench near a temple. A blind man dressed in a long, white, tattered robe near a bridge captured their eye. He looked like a monk praying inside a holy place. Beside him was a sign board with words 'Augur' written on it so they thought he might be one or it's just teens making fun of him.

"He looked old, ain't he? Perhaps in his 80's," White suggested.

Black snickered. "Say, how did this blind man lived his life without seeing the light?"

Out of curiosity, they asked the old man what makes him hold onto life. Instead of giving an answer, he gave an obscure allegation.

"Mars has been destroyed. Soon, the creatures occupying the planet will wander across the Universe to find a better place to live in. First, they will go north and Earth is of interest," he said, speaking in an ominous tone. The two chuckled hearing his answer.

Oh, we're being schooled by a weirdo, Black thought.

"Hey, old man, you're blind. Why should we believe you?" White asked, testing the augur.

The augur stood up, stepped forward and raised his head, up in the sky although he can't see it. "Within this year, aliens will invade Earth if the people living in it wouldn't take action immediately. United we stand, divided we fall. No one can do it all alone."

Black scratched his head. "What kind of drama is this man trying to pull off?"

"I don't know, maybe he has gone insane not seeing the light and just imagining things all his life," White answered, putting his headphones on. He was listening to a rock song but was surprised when he can't hear the lyrics. The voice of the old man resounded in his ears instead.

"What the?" he uttered, turning the music player into full volume but nothing changed, he could still hear the old man's voice. He turned to look at Black who also had his earpiece on and by just looking at him, it seemed like they had the same trouble.

"Hey, are we - " Black was about to say but was cut off when they saw the old man flying in the air, his feet approximately 3 feet off the ground.

"No one is competent enough to rule Earth. In the end, all men must die and return to ashes," the old man concluded.

Black and White froze in shock when the blind, old man jumped on the bridge of a dry river. The women chatting in the halls screamed to see him jump. Everyone who were standing outside the temple witnessed the grim event. Black and White looked down to where the old man fell and saw a massive amount of blood gushing on the concrete ground but his body is gone.


Oops, what do you think is going on?

Hello my pixies! Thank you so much for reading the prologue of Secrets Buried on Earth :)

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