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THE supremos gathered again in the palace garden of Atlas. One of the supremos died, India who did a big role in the battle against the aliens. His prayer reached the heavens as humans won the war and everyone acknowledged him for that.

The white, round urn which contained his remains is placed in a triangular table in front of the palace. A funeral ceremony is held and songs in Hindu language are played. The Asian family mourned and the supremos send their condolences to them. The good thing is the Asian family didn't blame Philippines for the incident. They hugged him tight and exchanged words of comfort.

Asia didn't attend the ceremony for she went back to where she lived - somewhere faraway. Philippines didn't tell anyone about his short but meaningful encounter with her.

When the ceremony ended, the Asian family took the urn. They'll bring it home and decided to place it in the living room where they can always see it and be reminded of India's honourable existence.

Meanwhile, Kazakhstan approached Philippines who was sitting on a bench in the garden. "Hey, bro. Wanna visit Nepal's grave?" Kazakhstan asked. "Wanna rather see the green rose that grew on the ground?"

Philippines nodded and Kazakhstan whistled using his thumb and index finger. A few seconds later, a fine, white horse came running to them, wagging its tail. It was a unicorn.

"Hop on!" Kazakhstan told Philippines. Kazakhstan was known to love horse-riding. It was his favourite sport. Philippines did as he said and they began their journey.

"Is it far?" Philippines asked.

"Yeah, but just trust my skills. I'd rather make us fly!" Kazakhstan said and began to whip the horse thrice. The horse ran so fast and true to what Kazakhstan said, they were flying in the air!

"Whoo!" Kazakhstan seemed to enjoy the ride. They crossed many seas, rivers and oceans which could be seen below them. Philippines find this one to be exciting. He'll never forget this moment.

A little while later, they felt the temperature drop and the cold wind brushed against their cheeks. "We're here," Kazakhstan said. He hopped off the horse and helped Philippines down.

Philippines scanned his eyes across the area. The land is covered by ice which he estimated to be 98%. There are no houses around, and his eyes fixated on the penguins and seals nearby. It's so cold, dry, and windy in there.

"Are we in Antarctica?" Philippines asked.



Kazakhstan gave him a friendly grin. "Each one of us were rather mailed Nepal's suicide letter. No other things said, she only requested to be buried here."


"For you to know, Nepal's a mystery. She's rather weird, the one to keep her sadness behind her smile."

"She's relatable," Philippines commented.

Kazakhstan chuckled and smacked his head. "Yeah, rather by the likes of you, introvert."

They walked for a few minutes until they arrived in Nepal's grave. True to what Kazakhstan said, a green rose grew in her tomb. It looked fresh and lovely, but cold.

"The green rose stood here for many years and didn't wither. Rather such amazing magic isn't it?" Kazakhstan said.

Some things in this world can't be explained by Science, Philippines thought.

Now, he knew why Antarctica, the Earth's southernmost continent lacked attendance in the meeting. She had no family. She is largely neglected because of her hostile environment and isolation.


"Can I ask you something?" Philippines uttered. They were nearing the spot where Kazakhstan left his unicorn.


Philippines cleared his throat. "What do you mean that first time we met in a bar? You said that you believed in me?"

"Oh that," Kazakhstan said. "You rather know why I didn't attend the meeting? The truth is because I hate it. It's the same everyday. No matter who argues, the weak will only shiver and the strong survives."


"I know I'm rather not strong, that's why I didn't come. I also didn't put my hopes in our family. You know, when I rather see China on TV, I rather got bored. Also Japan. UAE. The richest people on Earth. But when I see you, it's rather rare. My attention was captured."

What is this man saying? Philippines wondered.

"You rather know, they've grown all they're going to grow, but you're still growing!" Kazakhstan playfully punched his biceps.

Philippines chuckled. "You really have a good humour, Kazakhstan."

At that moment, Kazakhstan stopped on his tracks and met Philippines' eyes. He looked serious. "I rather believed in you, Philippines. I've seen you on TV, magazines, YouTube, and Google. You will conquer. Just believe in yourself."


Who wouldn't rather love Kazakh for uplifting his brother? :)

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