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HEAVY footsteps click clacked on the ground as the sun began to peek out of the clouds. Skin cancer is very eminent these days, said the Canadian newscaster and it's such an unlucky day for Philippines to forget his black umbrella.

His heart paced wildly in his chest. Thinking about the first time he's going to meet his family makes him feel uneasy. He was raised in an orphanage when he was still a baby and the Nanny told him that his mother was misty-eyed when she handed him, like she was hesitant to give him.

But she still gave me away, Philippines thought. He doesn't want to come but Nanny Venus encouraged him to go because he's an heir to the throne. "You could possibly be the chosen one, there's no question to that," he remembers Nanny Venus said over the phone.

But I'm still the weakest.

Now, he was having an emotion event in his life. He told himself before, that if he was fated to be separated from his biological family then he will accept it. Accepting something which is against your will is painful, but he was raised by his Nanny to be a person who is patient, selfless and loving.

He arrived in Canada yesterday and stayed in a hotel for the night. He didn't accept India's invitation to stay in the hotel Korea reserved for every Asian family member. He's still hurt, and he felt like he doesn't belong there.

He was walking in the palace garden of Atlas when a strong wind brushed past him, leaving a piece of note on his foot. He tried to pick it up but it's blown by the wind. Philippines stood up, waving it off. He didn't notice the note flying inside the pocket of his jeans.

When he opened the door of the palace court, he was amazed to see its interior. Whoa, he gasped in pure admiration. It's so majestic and wide. It was a palace, indeed. He looked around, turned his head left and right 'til he noticed several pairs of eyes that were looking at him. Some were brown, others are ebony black. There were icy blue and not to forget some that glow like emerald.

He walked timidly, lowering his head down. He was trying not to get too much attention and wanted to avoid a dramatic entrance when he heard a small voice that said, "Annyeong hasshimnikka."

He raised his head and meets the eyes of a petite, fair-skinned girl with long, black hair. Her smile isn't intimidating but inviting, so he lifted his lips into a slight curve. "Annyeong," he returned the favor, knowing a little of the Korean way of saying Hi.

Philippines was about to sit beside Korea when a mysterious hand reached out to him. Surprised, he turned around and saw a young man wearing a hoodie with a rectangle shape printed in front, having a white surface and a red circle at the center.

"Konnichiwa. I'm Japan," the guy grinned.

Philippines took his hand and shakes it. "Nice to meet you. I'm Philippines."

So they're my siblings. I never thought they were this nice.

"Hey, Philippines! Our youngest brother! Is that really you?" was a voice of a man. "I'm Thailand, your elder brother. We miss you so much bro! Welcome to the family!"

Philippines smiled, shyly. He doesn't know how to react. He was about to open his mouth when he heard someone whistled. Everyone's eyes were fixated in front as France entered the court with such elegance; her sheer, red dress sparkled in the light like chandelier on the ceiling. "I'm the fashion capital of the world. I make signature dresses that people all around the planet wears," she said, full of conceit as she flaunted her ethereal beauty.

"But you've got no brains," New Zealand commented, walking towards France. "As far as I know, there's no beauty without a brain."

New Zealand is known for her strict education. In fact, her education department is so innovative: Online education courses are implemented, whereby students are not required to attend school on certain days of the week.

"But where is the birthplace of the world's wealthiest man? Bill Gates was born, raised, and brought to success in Washington," USA said with such pride. He also walked in front, looking at France from head to toe like he was estimating his opponent.

At that moment, Canada applauded. "Bravo! That's one hell of a golden performance guys."

"Thanks," said the three and they went back to their seats.

"So guys, that's what we're gonna do today. We're gonna show off what each of us is most known for whether it be arts, entertainment, religion, culture or love - anything," Canada said.

"Whoa," everyone in the court hollered. Now they understood what France, New Zealand and USA did. It's just a play. The real battle of the bests will begin later. Amazing.

Canada spoke again. "By the way, I'm Canada. I'm the host country and MC for this conference. It's great to see everyone of us gathered here today. Nice to meet you all."

When the hands of the grandfather clock pointed to 8:00, the bells chimed and everyone stood up. Israel stood in front and led the prayer. After that, Canada took over again and proceeded. "Goodmorning everyone. Now, let's begin the conference," she said. "First, let's talk about the reason why we're all gathered here. It's all about the alien invasion. Since Atlas is retiring, the supremo in each country is here today to determine who will be the heir to the throne. Who is the most competent to rule Earth before the aliens will come and destroy it."

"Oh," everyone exchanged knowing glances with each other.

"Today is the first selection and there will be second. The final round is up to Atlas' judgment for the crown belongs to him."

Ready. Aim. Fire. Let the battle begin.


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