Twenty Three

37 8 4


January 7, 20xx

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live."

- Norman Cousins

Dear Philippines,

Namaste, my name's Nepal. You may not meet me, but I'm your elder sister and I want you to know that I care for you.

When you were still in mother's womb, she was the happiest. At night, she would always sit by the window, looking at the moon and stars in the sky. One time, I approached her and asked, "Mom, isn't it a bit creepy, sitting by the window at night when you were pregnant?" She smiled at me and gave a deep answer: "I want him to be a star, blinking in the night sky. Twinkling, always twinkling. In the face of sadness, twinkle. In the face of war, twinkle. He would be the symbol of happiness, hope, and love."

My young mind couldn't fathom mother's philosophy that time until war came. We hid in the cave for safety and it lasted for several weeks. We only eat the foods we discreetly scavenged in the woods. We would drink the water in the creek near the mouth of the cave. It was a difficult time for us, much more on mom who bore a living thing inside her.

One night, when everyone is asleep, I feel restless. I tried to sleep but my mind kept running. I opened my eyes and saw mom got up. She walked towards the mouth of the cave. She's thirsty, I thought. I counted 1 to 100 and when she didn't come back, I began to get worried. I got up and slowly crept into the entrance of the dark cave.

There, my eyes saw mom looking at the stars in the sky but she wasn't alone. A very beautiful woman sat beside her; half of her face is lit by the moon. From my too much love of books and studying Greek Mythology, I knew right then who she was; Venus - the Goddess of Love.

Philippines took a deep breath when he read Nanny Venus' name. This is what mother told me, he thought.

So Nepal was there at that time.

He flipped the letter and continued tl read what was written on the second page.

That's when I heard a secret.  The Goddess of Love asked mom to offer you so you'll be a symbol of love. When mom vanished with you, I didn't tell anyone in the family what I saw. I know it's a secret that must be kept. However, I was always wondering where you are, thinking: Are you happy with your life?

You were always on my mind. Always.

By the way, do you know who my closest in the family was? It's Kazakhstan. I would always share him my problems. At times, we would talk about you too. We missed you. We longed for you. Sometimes we would wonder: How did you grow up?

In my case, I grew up to be a lonewolf. I just can't understand myself. I don't know what I want, what I don't want. I don't know what to do with my life as I grew up.

I could only say my feelings to Kazakhstan, like he's my confidant. You see, he's a boy who wanted to be happy; and his motto? Live life with no worries. Good for him.

How about you? Are you happy? Was there a time when you feel lonely?

"Many times," Philippines murmured to himself. He flipped to the third page and read on.

Anyways, I want you to know that I'm here in Antarctica, writing this letter. You see, Antarctica and I have a lot of things in common. She was isolated and totally forgotten that's why I visited her. Once, I feared of being forgotten but as time went by, oblivion is falling down on me.

I don't want to be remembered anymore. I want to be forgotten.

My dear brother, if ever you are feeling low and sad, just think of the other people who are too. You're not alone. Times may be tough, but that's only temporary. If you want to conquer, then go. If you want to make a change, go. Spread your wings. Fly away, up in the sky.

Lao Tzu said that Life and Death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides. Whenever you feel like hope is slipping from you, think about life. It's beautiful. Never forget who you are and what you wanted to imprint in the world before you leave.

Lastly, I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry if this letter took too long to reach you. Your agony has been prolonged. I just want you to read this letter when you grow up and is matured enough to understand and accept such things.

One more thing. Our mom, Asia didn't give you away for nothing. She has a better reason and always remember that she loves you as much as I do.

Lovingly yours amidst the cold,


"Mahal din kita," Philippines uttered. Hot tears continuously dripped from his eyes. All the questions, the sadness, the longing, even his self-doubt has come to an end with this one simple letter Nepal wrote him.

So it was 11 years ago, Philippines thought seeing the date on top of the letter. He also remembered the date written on Nepal's grave, linked the facts and came into a conclusion: The day before Nepal committed suicide, she wrote this letter to him. She must be very lonely at that time that the God of the Wind granted her favour when she summoned him. Her last wish must be to deliver the note to him when the right time comes and Anemoi willingly did.

"Thank you," Philippines whispered in the air. He's very thankful to Anemoi for his kindness. He also wanted to thank Nepal who he didn't get to meet. Her letter is a gift, a magical weapon that fired him up.

Philippines is under civilized because he's still young, but in the future, he will conquer. There's no question to that.

Anyways, what do you think is the greatest secret of the Universe?



Lovingly yours amidst the cold :)

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