Twenty One

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AFTER the long ride home with his brother, Philippines visited the place where he grew up.

He scanned the orphanage looking for Nanny Venus. When he can't find her, he approached one of the staffs who immediately recognized him. It was Mr Abo, the ash-haired gardener. "Oh, Philippines, you've grown into a man now," he said as he embraced him.

Philippines smiled and went straight to his primary purpose in visiting the orphanage. "Mr Abo, have you seen Nanny Venus?" he asked.

"Oh, Venus. She's now assigned to another orphanage. She left that same day you went to live on your own," Mr Abo said.

After a couple of 'how are you's' and 'how's your life', Philippines bade him goodbye and left.

Perhaps, Nanny Venus went to another orphanage looking for other kids she can teach about LOVE.


EVERYONE went back to their normal lives now. The Asian family continued to develop their culture and encouraged tourism to visit their historic empires. The African family nurtured their nature, flaunting their abundance of natural resources. The Europeans returned to building beautiful architecture and developed new technologies. They also studied Science more. The North American families continued to encourage freedom and accepted many races to be part of them. The South American families became busy with entertainment and sports, pulling the interest of people. The Australian families on the other hand, continued to give the best education to the people who wanted to learn. They also improved health care.

On the other hand, Atlas rested inside his palace. He kept his door open for people who needed help. He also supported Russia in her newly-defined responsibility.

That afternoon, Atlas stood in the balcony, looking at the pristine waters below. "Philippines is the first supremo hand-picked by Venus to help spread love in the world. Who'd be next?" he smirked, thinking about potential candidates the Goddess is already eyeing.

And where is Asia? She turned into a star. Zeus turned her into one as an accolade for sacrificing something to contribute to the well-being of the world. She gave her youngest son, Philippines without asking anything in return. She has a pure heart.


Thank you so much for reading my novella :)

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