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"NO you can't! You're too frail and old!" Thailand said to India, opposing him.

"I'm the eldest child of Asia. I'm the one responsible for all of you," India said.

"But you can't walk as good as us," China said.

"But I still have both feet. I may not walk well as you, but the use of our feet is the same - for helping other people to walk on the right road. To be with them so they'll never feel alone. For taking a step little by little in this diverse forest called life, saving the souls of others," comes his deep philosophy.

Everyone stood open-mouthed.

"Pardon sir, can you repeat the lesson?" China humorously asked.

Korea nudged her. "Ssh."

"Everyone, the world needs you. Let's show respect to the crowning ceremony and accept whoever is chosen," India instructed them.

"Are you sure you can do this alone?" Japan asked.

India nodded, smiling. "Yes I can. Now, go back to the palace court."

Everyone did as India says.


RUSSIA was chosen as the one who will rule the entire Universe. Atlas praised her for the integrity and valour she displayed in the battlefield.

Everyone applauded when Atlas passed his crown to her. "Competent. Capable. Fit. A person who never hesitated in the face of Armageddon. Although wounded, one continued to fight. That's what a true Ruler is," Atlas said.

Russia smiled. "Thank you, sir."

Russia's technological advancements: Satellite, sputnik, and space shuttle were all useful for battle. She vowed to improve her skills and train her army more to protect the Earth and its people better.

When Russia finished delivering her speech, Canada took over. "At this juncture, let's hear a message from Atlas," she said.

Atlas went on the mic. "Everyone, what I'll be announcing today is more of a revelation than a message," he began.

"What is it?" Everyone was curious to know what he wanted to reveal.

Atlas cleared his throat before he spoke, "I was that blind augur who predicted the coming of the aliens."


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The secret finally came to light.

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