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THE day came ...

When the aliens set foot to destroy Earth and eliminate all the people living in it ...

The goal of the foreign trespassers is to destroy the planet and create a better one ...

They did a surprise attack but Russia launched her army for the real battle. She used her satellites and radars to detect the arrival of the aliens. She attacked them in their most unaware state.

Each of the supremo's took part in the battle as well ...

Korea used her LTE internet to give commands fast.

Egypt displayed countless dummies that looked like mummies to scare away the aliens.

USA used his drones to locate the enemy and notified his army.

Colombia supplied drugs as weapons against the aliens and injected it on their skin.

Australia made a very large mirror embellished with diamonds that shone in the light to blind the aliens.

Israel prayed in the temple with his elder brother India.

In the face of war, everyone gave their best shot. Bombs were exchanged. Blood was shed. Lives were offered. The enemy is tough, but no one wants to back out.

The day ended and the winner is the last entity standing.



THERE was a call for a conference again. This time, the successor to Atlas would be determined. The aliens made a surprise attack yesterday and the people believed that they will return to Earth one day. Who knows how many they are, lurking across the Universe, looking for a perfect chance to strike?

"Hey, good to see you again guys. We're gathered here the second time to select someone who will be the heir to the throne. Who is the most competent to rule on Earth before the aliens destroy it. One who stands with courage, one who has a pure heart," Canada announced.

The nomination started. Now, everyone knew who they can trust since they witnessed who took part in the surprise attack yesterday.

Fiji: I nominate USA. I've seen how he used incredible tactics in the battlefield.

Italy: I nominate Russia. She never hesitated to face the aliens using her hands.

Kenya: I nominate Australia. She casted-off her diamonds to create a weapon that would outwit the enemy. An innovative leader like her is what we need.

El Salvador: I nominate Korea. We lived in the technological century and a fast internet is very vital in battle.

Canada wrote all the names in the touch screen monitor. The nomination continued.

Belize: I nominate Colombia. She turned the use of drugs into something beneficial.

Thailand: I nominate Egypt. She made dummy mummies so the aliens would be scared to think who their real opponents are.

Nicaragua: I nominate Israel because according to Sun Tzu's Art of War, 'Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.' I saw Israel praying in the temple with his brother India and I believe prayer for peace is all we need.

Ecuador grinned. "Whoever is chosen, I'll support him or her."

The nomination is interrupted when the door of the court opened, revealing Kazakhstan who walked confidently, his hands tucked inside the pocket of his jeans.

"Well, I only rather came here to nominate the youngest in our family, Philippines," he said. It caused uproar among the supremo's. Some laughed, some were enraged.

"Are you here for fun Kazakhstan? How could such a weakling rule the Earth?" Bolivia said in a mocking tone.

Kazakhstan responded with a loud laugh. "Ask Atlas."

Everyone in the court exchanged glances, confused of Kazakhstan's sudden assertion. Philippines couldn't take any more of it. His face reddened, feeling humiliated so he ran away.

"Philippines!" Korea called but he didn't look back.

He went to the woods to isolate himself.

Am I weird?


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