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USA balled his fists, ready to burst in anger when Mexico held him. "Just let it go USA. China is notorious for not having a filter with her words," he said.

Canada felt bad for her brother. She bites her lower lip in disgust. "Guys, please show respect to one another. If not, then we're gonna end this conference. It's up to Atlas who to choose from those who have already delivered their speech."

"That's not fair!" Screams of protest resounded around the room, more on South American and Australian families who haven't spoken yet.

"Fine, fine. Let's continue but I tell you again, please show respect," Canada said. She called Brazil, the eldest of South America. Her long, green dress shimmered in the light as she walked.

"Ola, I'm Brazil. I'm the 5th largest country in the world. I have a sweet tooth with best sugar. I own the Amazon rainforest, the richest and most megadiverse forest in the world. You can also study in my National Library," Brazil said.

"Well, that's a warm introduction Brazil. I'll try to find books about the aliens in your library," Canada commented.

Everyone clapped. This time, no more offensive words have been said.

Canada got on the mic again. "Now, last but never the least; Australia's eldest daughter who was named after her, Australia!"

Australia stands up, holding the edge of her long, cottony dress. "G'day mate. How's it going?" she asked.

"We're good," everyone answered.

"That's nice to hear. Well, I'm Australia. I am the world's leading producer of wool. I am also the largest producer of diamonds that I'm willing to give away for free if it can help abolish the alien invasion on Earth," she softly said.

"Short but sweet," Canada remarked. "Let's give a round of applause for everyone!"

Everyone in the court applauded. They seem happy except for Philippines who was sulking in his seat.

Australia is willing to give away her diamonds for free; isn't it the same thing that mom did? She gave me away for free, he thought.

Canada said the closing remarks and announced the date of the next conference. Afterwards, it was adjourned. Philippines stands up and made his way out of the palace court when something slipped his mind.

What about Antarctica?


What are your thoughts so far guys?

By the way, a shoutout to salt-and-suga for the flood likes, reads and comments in this book! :)

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