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"MOVING on. Let's hear from the eldest son of North America, USA!" Canada announced. A tall, white man with a stubborn chin and big, blue eyes stood infront. He looked intimidating, but also very attractive. His big biceps and solid chest added to his looks. A hunk, as one would say at first glance.

"Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen. Standing in front of you is a dignified man. I'm USA, the richest and most powerful nation in the world," he said with such pride. Canada coughed on purpose to which USA smirked. "I'm the 4th largest country as you can see in the map. Further, who would miss the statue of Liberty? Come, take a look. That signifies me being a proponent of freedom and mixture of many races."

The North American family clapped after he delivered his meaty speech but it was only for a while when Colombia raised her hand. "You're the richest nation in the world, you say? But your younger brother, El Salvador is a goner. You failed to raise him honourably," she said.

The accuracy. USA is North America's eldest son, the direct opposite of the youngest son, El Salvador who is one of the world's poorer countries.

USA crossed his arms on his chest. "Said the one who influenced her younger sister Bolivia to do illegal drug trade."

Bolivia is known for having illicit economy.

Colombia was about to argue when USA added, "Did I hit bull's eye or do you want me to throw you in Death Valley right now?"

Chile, then whispered in Colombia's ear, "Hmp, that braggart again. Such a trouble-maker."

Chile's voice was low but USA's hearing is just too sharp that he heard of it. "What did you say, airhead?" USA lashed.

Now, it was a fight between North America and South America. Pretty interesting.

Fiji murmured in his seat. "Oh, USA's in deep sh*t again."

"Yeah, bickering with anyone he runs into," Australia seconded.

The tension in the court is building up so Canada decided to interrupt. "Guys, cool down. You're amazing USA and we all know that. Now, let's proceed," she said, blowing off the steam.

USA who lost his cool went back to his seat when China suddenly yelled. "We don't give a sh*t about you, USA. We wanna go home."

Philippines' jaw dropped.


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