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IF I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it in the beginning.

- Mahatma Gandhi

INDIA nearly passed out on the edge of the forest when he heard the sounds of water violently splashing by the rocks in the lake. He looked over quickly and saw Philippines drowning.

"Philippines!" he screamed. He walked faster towards him and tried to pull him out. Philippines coughed endlessly as he was brought on land.

"Are you alright?" India asked. Philippines nodded and India felt relieved. "I'm sorry," Philippines managed to choke out between coughs.

"It's fine now, my brother. You've been forgiven. Just promise me not to do this again. Committing suicide is never an option whenever you feel worthless."

Philippines started to cry. "I'm sorry," he repeated. When he recovered from his near-drowning experience, he held India's arm and helped him walk. India's crutches were broken so they had to leave it. It's the first time Philippines got to hold his brother close; he felt awkward but a warm rushed inside him and he was happy.

They found a cave nearby and neared it. They sat down on a rock near the opening. They planned to stay the night in that cave if ever their siblings can't find them.

It was beginning to get dark. Philippines gathered dried twigs and made bonfire. He also hunted some food they can eat.

They talked about a lot of things. Philippines then shared how the Nanny in the orphanage took care of him, taught him about the value of love each day and loved him like her own child.

"She must be very lonely," India commented, chewing the grilled rabbit meat. "Do you believe in the saying that loneliest people are the kindest?"

Philippines looked at him; his face is swaying slowly, caused by the flames in the bonfire. "Huh?" he answered him with a question. He can't get what he meant.

"When a person is lonely or sad, that's when he starts to realize the importance of giving. Things in this world are not meant to be relished by one person only. It is to be shared. One must learn how to handle worldly things with such an open heart to radiate eternal happiness."

Philippines clapped his hands in admiration. "That one was deep. Anyways, Nanny Venus never told me that she's lonely. I think she's just a kind person since birth."

"Is that her name, Venus? She's got the same name with the Goddess of Love," India said.

Philippines grinned. "She was love itself."

They talked more about other things. India also told him about the importance of life, that one life is all we have and we shouldn't waste it by sulking in a corner, complaining why we aren't as perfect as the others. Why are they happy while I am struggling? They're strong, I am weak. They're rich, I am poor. Why can't I live other's lives?

He also cited Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy which says: Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

It was indeed inspiring.

The flames were burning out. Philippines stood up and told India that he'll look for more twigs in the forest for a while.

"No, just stay with me," India said, coughing continuously.

Philippines tried to help him by patting his back. "Are you in pain?" he asked.

India didn't answer but just held him on both sides of his shoulders. "You must be the change you want to see in the world," India said, his eyes slowly closing.

"W-wait! India, what's going on?" Philippines shook him but his body is unresponsive. He's not moving, breathing neither. Philippines cried, holding the lifeless body of his older brother. He cursed himself. He thought that India died because he was exhausted from finding him. If only he didn't try to run away from reality.

He looked up, asking the heavens, 'Why?'

There he saw a heart-shaped, white object that shone in the dark sky.

It's like a shooting star, but the bizarre thing is it was coming towards them.


Thank you much for reading this far with Secrets Buried on Earth guys! :)

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