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PHILIPPINES FELT AWKWARD when he stepped inside Asia's household because of the fact that India, Korea, Japan and all of his siblings has lived here together for years and it's only him who was separated.

He scanned his eyes around. It was a big house made of bricks, a three-storey with glass windows. The interior is all white and exudes a calming vibe. They used Japan's super-fast helicopter to get here fast.

"Namaste. You must be Philippines, our long lost brother," someone said from behind Philippines looked up and saw an old man sitting on a wheelchair. His face is full of wrinkles but he looked kind.

"Welcome home, brother. I'm India," India said, extending his right hand.

Philippines was tongue-tied but recovered in a moment. "I-I'm Philippines. N-Nice to meet you," he stammered as he shakes India's hand.

Singapore tapped his shoulder. "Don't worry Philippines. You'll get used to living here," she said, flashing her friendly smile.

"Yeah. Don't be scared, we won't bite," China backed up.

Thailand joined them. "Oh, just spit fire, then?" He really wanted to tease China who is known for being a sleeping dragon.

"Damn you!" China was about to poke Thailand when someone called from the dining room.

"Dinner's ready! Come! Come!" it was Korea.

The Asian family went to the living room and sat down.

- o -

"BLESSED ARE YOU, Lord our God, King of the Universe. Thank you for the food and thank you for bringing Philippines home with us, safe and sound. Amen," Israel prayed.

The Asian family started to eat. "This one tastes good. Have this," Japan said to Philippines, handing him a plate of sushi. The world's best haute cuisine is awarded to him last year.

"Thank you," Philippines said.

While eating, Japan told Philippines that their mom, Asia vanished after giving birth to him and they don't know why. It was the first time Philippines heard of the story and he felt a twinge in his heart.

"Do you want to see her?" Japan asked as he chewed a pork belly.

"Yes. I miss her eventhough I haven't met her."

Japan was about to say something more when someone wearing a dark suit and a thick briefcase arrived. "I'm home!"

"UAE?" Thailand called.

"Perfect timing, we're having dinner. Come, eat with us," India invited her. UAE rarely comes home to eat with them.

She looked at the table and her eyes landed on Philippines. "Oh, so we have a guest?"

"Yeah. Actually, not a guest but a long lost pod in the family," Korea said.

UAE's eyes grew wide. "Philippines?"

At that moment, Philippines stood up. "Magandang gabi, UAE. I'm Philippines."

"Oh, good to see you for the first time in a long time. Anyways, I'm UAE, your elder sister. Nice to meet you."

UAE didn't extend her hands like what India did to Philippines. She excused herself, saying that she has a lot of work to do and she'll skip dinner.

The truth is Dubai - a part of UAE is the richest state in the world. UAE is not so close to the family because she's self-centered and was busy making money.

When UAE turned her back to leave, that's when Japan began to speak. "I remember it once when we were kids, you used to ignore me. When I asked you to play and watch anime with me, you would turn away. You would say that you're always busy working to have a better future. Only Korea took care of me."

Japan's words affected UAE, but she chose to ignore it. She looked at him in the eyes and said, "I'm sorry for being a selfish and uncaring sister. I'm sorry for not being able to make you happy. I'm sorry for being me, but I love myself and you can't change me," she firmly said and went out of the dining room.

The room was filled with silence, and Japan was teary-eyed when he said, "I think I'm full. Thank you for the food." He went upstairs and caged himself in his room.

So this is how it feels when your family is having a feud, Philippines thought.

I feel hurt too.


Whoa, what a dramatic chapter :(

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