Hey, Brother

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Cancer and Scorpio walked together in the hallways, ate together at lunch, and shared the same friends. And, they had to share the same house. This might've been a problem for most siblings, but it worked for them. It worked really well. They hadn't spent most of their lives together, anyways, only most of high school. They actually enjoyed each other's company, for the most part. Half-siblings, who came from entirely different worlds.

"Hey, That was MY cookie!" Cancer hissed, slapping Scorpio's arm away.

"Um, no. I called it!" Scorpio retorted.

"It's in my lunch!" Cancer scoffed.

"It's at my table!" Scorpio glared.

"You don't own it!" Cancer took a bite out of the cookie.

"You did not!" Scorpio gasped at his sister.

"I just did!" Cancer smirked.

Pisces, who sat opposite them, slowly scooted over to Aquarius and Libra. They welcomed her, especially since they had been hearing the Meteorite siblings fight over a cookie.

"Hey, Pi. What's up?" Libra asked.

"Not a whole lot," Pisces said, smiling. "You guys?"

"Same ole', Same ole'," Aquarius sighed.

"Ditto," Libra replied, looking over her shoulder to see a glare coming from Sagittarius. "Just getting by."

Pisces and Aquarius glanced at each other. One year, drama free. Was that so much to ask? They had a silent argument. Pisces thought they should bring up the subject, Aquarius thought otherwise. Needless to say, Pisces won.

"How's it going with you and Sag?" Pisces asked, earning a small glare from Aquarius.

"I don't know what's worse, her ignoring me or her blaring at me all the time," Libra said, managing a smile. "Thanks for asking, though."

Aquarius sat there, gawking. He had more or less assumed that Libra was going to go into a three-hour rant that neither him nor Pisces nor class could stop. Apparently, it was easy.  Pisces smirked at her friend. But, then, Cancer and Scorpio were fighting louder and louder.

"Ugh, you are SO annoying! Honestly, you act like a child, you basically need a babysitter, and you do nothing but stay in your room ALL DAY!" Cancer yelled at him.

"Yeah, well, I don't boss everyone around, fumigate the house with nail polish, and scream into her phone 24/7!" Scorpio retorted.

"Sometimes I wish you weren't my brother!" Cancer shouted at him.

"Yeah, well, you aren't my real sister!" Scorpio scoffed, then stormed out of the room.

Cancer stared after him, her mouth a-gape. "I can't believe him."

Libra motioned to the empty seat next to her, across from Pisces. "Sit here, Cance."

"Uh, Yeah, sure." Cancer blanks moved over to her friends.


"What just happened?" Leo asked her fellow fire signs.

"No idea, but something tells me that Scorpio and Cancer are gonna be pissed for a while." Aries took another bite of his lunch, which he bought from the cafeteria. "This is disgusting."

"It's school food, What'd you expect? Gourmet?" Sagittarius teased her boyfriend.

"Well, we are on a budget, and cuts do have to be made, Miss Arcus." They looked up to see Ms. Mal staring straight at them. "This time, I'll be nice and let you off with a warning."

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