Chapter 1

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Heather POV

It was the most beautiful day at the beach since I arrived here in North Carolina. The waves were just big enough to surf. I was heading to the surf shop to rent a board since my personal one hasn't been delivered when I was hit... Hard. I woke up with an agonising headache and a pretty cute boy standing over me.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." As he rambled on, I slowly sat up, rubbing my forehead

" Its ok, it was my fault I wasn't paying attention to where I was going..." I slightly grinned at the unknown boy

" I'm Nash"

"I'm Heather"

"that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"

"Dont flatter yourself, I'm quite average"

"Don't ever put yourself down like that, you are truly the most gorgeous girl I have even seen, honestly." I couldn't help but blush instantly.

"Would you like to get a bite to eat?" Nash asked hopefully

"I would love too" I responded happily. I could not believe the connection i already had with Nash, it was almost as if I was love at first site. Love doesnt exist though, its just a way to mess with peoples emotions and tear them apart. I've learned that before. I have only ever felt this feeling once, but that's never to be spoken of...

Nash POV

Wow. Wow was all I could say, this girl, Heather was utterly gorgeous. She had long wavy brown hair that complimented her pale skin and beautiful grey eyes. Usually it's not something to be happy about, but hitting Heather in the face with my surfboard and knocking her out for a few seconds was just luck.

I got to meet the most perfect girl so far. Once her eyes fluttered open, I got to see those sparkling blue/grey orbs, and I instantly felt a strong connection. Was this love at first site?

Heather POV

Nash helped me up off of the boardwalk and once our hands touched, I had jolts if electricity shooting up my arm. We both decided on pizza.

"So tell me about yourself?" I nodded,

"My full name is Heather Marie Hyde. I was born and raised in the one and only Beverly Hills, I'm 17 and my parents shipped me off to here to live with my grandparents so I could 'start over'. They don't approve of the whole free spirit idea. They think they can buy their way through everything. I love them but we don't always see eye to eye. The funny thing is, my grandparents here, I've only spoke with them about 5 times in my whole life that I remember. Sure, I love to wear dresses and skirts and anything cute, I definetly have a good sense in style growing up in Beverly Hills but the snobby rudeness just wasn't me. I was hurt and put in a bad place while I was there, so a fresh start here will hopefully be for the better!" I grinned

"What happened?" He questioned. I instantly got all nervous and clammy, it was too soon to talk about it

"I..I.. I..I'm not ready to share something so personal, I'm sorry" I stuttered, looking the other way. He placed his hands in mine.

" Whatever it was, I wont let anything happen to you again" I slowly nodded at his response a smile making its way to my face.

Once we finished, I took out my wallet, but before I got to it, Nash had already sent the waiter off with his money.

"Nash, you didn't have to do that, I can pay for myself" I pouted

"Now what kind of gentleman would I be, making you pay?" He stated rhetorically, flashing me a smile

"If you insist" I playfully roll my eyes

We got a board for me and headed out to the water, I caught 3 waves and nash still hadn't even stood up on the board.

"Do you actually know how to surf?" I laughed

"Uh not really! I'm kinda just winging it! Maybe you could teach me?" Grinning widely at me

"Whats in it for me?" I smirked

"I will show you around town and a romantic dinner" He smiled at me.

"You've got yourself a deal!" I chuckled

"Its a date" He grinned

"Well first of all, you should not be using this small of a board, you need a big one. So let's go return these and get a big one. Yeah?" I said

"Yeah" Nash said

We swam out and exchanged our boards for a giant one. It took so many try's, but Nash was finally able to stand up and make his way towards the shore.


Soon enough he was back "how about we try that thing that they do on tv like go together and do funny stuff?" He asked excitedly!

"Sure, but I don't know if you can handle all this" I smirked, waving my all around myself

"Only if you can handle all of this" he winked, waving his hands motioning to himself

After several failed attempts, we got onto the board together. When we got up, I was infront of Nash and he whispered in my ear " lets do the titanic" I nodded. His bigs hands wrapped around my small torso and butterflies errupted in my stomach. I threw my hands out and we were doing so well until Nash started tickling me

"Stop.. Stop" I gasped through fits of laughter and soon enough after all of my squirming, trying to get out of his strong grip, we fell off together, mixed in eachothers limbs.

After and another attempt, we got up and Nash had the great idea of doing handstands and he ending up falling ontop of me, bringing us both into the water again, hitting his head in the process.

We decided that we had enough and it was getting dark anyway so we headed up to shore to return the board.

"Looks like we both got hit in the head today with a surfboard" Nash laughed rubbing his forehead.

"Looks like it!" I replied

A women in her mid 30s came up to us , showing us pictures on her phone of the two of us surfing and she couldn't help but take pictures since we were such a cute young couple in love. When I quickly told her we weren't together, I looked over at Nash and he look disappointed at what I said, but I quickly brushed it off. I had to admit though, the pictures were extremly cute and I had her send them to me.

"Well that was a little awkward huh?" I slightly laughed

"Yeah.. So awkward..." Nash responded, scratching the back of his neck.

We watched the sunset and decided that we both should be getting home. We hugged goodbye and I started walking towards my car...

"Wait... Wait... Heather" Nash came jogging up behind me

"I never got your number" he grinned leaning against my 2014 range rover sport.

"Oh shit, that's right... Here" Handing him my IPhone 6 , as he handed his over to me. I put my number in and my contact name as 'Heather😍😘🙈'.

When we both got our phones back when instantly started laughing at the contact names we put. Nash had his as 'Nash😘😍❤️💗🍍'.

We once again bid farewell to eachother, him promising that he would text me tonight about our 'date'.

I hopped into my car placing my bag in the passenger seat and I couldn't help but smile because of Nash! Today was a day I would never forget.


Authors note-

Helllooo everyone! I'm a new writer here so bear with me! I hope you all love the story and comment and vote so I know that I have readers! I love you all!

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