Hmm he might not be so innocent after all: pt.4

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"With my head jumbled up in questions, I decided to look at the camera footage to find out."

Taehyungs pov:

I take out the SD card from the camera and put it into my laptop. "I can't believe I'm about to watch Jungkook do what he was doing in the bathroom." I thought

It popped up the storage and everything I have on the camera, so I simply just went to the most recent one, which was kookie in the shower.

I clicked on it and watched it. All of it. Even thought about jerking off to it but I didn't wanna be like that now so I sent it to Jin and Jimin to see what would happen and I explained to them what happened.

But after watching this video... I don't think he's that innocent.. maybe it's a good thing or bad thing tho.


EommaJinnie: ....

Jimingotnojams: ....

TaeTaesucksd: .... ikr

EommaJinnie: Tae look what you did. You messed up my child

TaeTaesucksd: Mommm I didn't force him to watch this video

TaeTaesucksd: Then to remember it and do this to himself

Jimingotnojams: Mmhh Tae~

TaeTaesucksd: Jimin shut up

TaeTaesucksd: and what you guys mean

EommaJinnie: You know what I mean.

EommaJinnie: After tomorrow I coming home from my date with Namjoon

EommaJinnie: I better not see Jungkook a total perv

EommaJinnie: I already have to deal with 3.

Jimingotnojams: *cough* Tae

Jimingotnojams: *cough* Namjoon

Jimingotnojams: *cough* Hoseok

TaeTaesucksd: Boii if you don't get outta here with that

EommaJinnie: And Jimothy, it's more like Jimin, Tae,  and Yoongi

TaeTaesucksd: Haha it's you and ur boyfriend

Jimingotnojams: I guess Jin is right about that

Jimingotnojams: Shut up Tae at least I have a boyfriend

Jimingotnojams: Unlike u

TaeTaesucksd:  Shhh

TaeTaesucksd: How u think Hoseok and Namjoon  be the perverted children?

TaeTaesucksd: That doesn't even make sense

EommaJinnie: Yea Jiminie

Jimingotnojams: because....because

EommaJinnie: Well just know Namjoon be well behaved because of me

EommaJinnie: Have you seen Y/N why would he/she/they let Hoseok act like that

EommaJinnie: Plus Hoseok is like the sunshine of happiness sooooo

EommaJinnie: Your point exactly


Jimingotnojams: Shut up Tae

Jimingotnojams: I get it mom

EommaJinnie: Just making sure

EommaJinnie: But ya boy gotta bounce

EommaJinnie: Me and Joonie finna have fun tonight. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jimingotnojams: Ayye me and Yoonie finna have fun tonight too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

TaeTaesucksd: Okay...

TaeTaesucksd: Why do y'all need to share that

EommaJinnie: To brag to you hehe

Jimingotnojams: Exactly

TaeTaesucksd: You know what.

TaeTaesucksd: Goodbye

TaeTaesucksd just left the chat

Jimingotnojams: Wow he actually left

Jimingotnojams: Didn't he know that we was just kidding

EommaJinnie: Well I wasn't kidding

EommaJinnie: I'm finna get that dixk still

Jimingotnojams: Ik me too

Jimingotnojams: But I mean we were just kidding about the bragging

Eommajinnie: Yea we were so let me add him back and we say sorry

Jimingotnojams: Yea

EommaJinnie added TaeTaesucksd in the chat

TaeTaesucksd: What do y'all want

EommaJinnie: We just wanted to say sorry

Jimingotnojams: For bragging to you how we finna get that dixk

TaeTaesuckd: It's okay

TaeTaesucksd: But... could y'all record it

TaeTaesucksd: Then send it to me...

TaeTaesucksd: I wanna see how it looks

EommaJinnie: UHHHH... you nasty NO!

TaeTaesucksd: Okay... what about you Jimin

Jimingotnojams:... Let me ask Yoongi

TaeTaesucksd: Okay

EommaJinnie: EWWWWW

EommaJinnie: Y'all nasty

TaeTaesucksd: How is it nasty?

TaeTaesucksd: You just watched Kookie take a shower

EommaJinnie: That's different that's my son

EommaJinnie: I raised him.

TaeTaesucksd: If you say so

Jimingotnojams: He said okay

TaeTaesucksd: Ayye it's lit

TaeTaesucksd: I get to see some action

Jimingotnojams: K

TaeTaesucksd: Well let's go to sleep now

EommaJinnie: Well you might sleep

EommaJinnie: Ima get some action remember

Jimingotnojams: Me too soooo

Jimingotnojams: Only u r sleeping Tae

TaeTaesucksd: Goodnight.

A/n: Well those were some interesting parts. Hope you liked them!! Next chapter will be normal, byeee~~

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