Let's Begin~

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TaeTaesucksd: Let the games begin


3rd person pov:


TaeTaesucksd: Mom dare or dare

EommaJinnie: Dare

TaeTaesucksd: Okay go to Namjoon

TaeTaesucksd: Sit on his lap

TaeTaesucksd: Whisper in his ear, "I farted and it smelt  so bad."

EommaJinnie: Bet!!

Jin got up and went to Namjoon.

He sat on his lap and whispered into his ear, "I farted and it smelt so bad." Namjoon looked at him and said, "So you farted on me?"

Jin glanced at Taehyung. Tae nodded at him to follow along with it. So Jin nodded his head and Namjoon said, "Hehe you earned yourself a punishment for making daddy stink."

Jin pouted. He then went back to his original spot.

EommaJinnie: I earned myself an punishment because of you

TaeTaesucksd: It was funny

Jimingotnojams: Yea it was

TaeTaesucksd: Sooo I ain't sorry :)

EommaJinnie: Okay you know what Jimin dare or dare

Jimingotnojams: dare

EommaJinnie: Okay stand in the middle of the room

EommaJinnie: Turn into a panda cub

EommaJinnie: Roar as loud as you can

EommaJinnie: Then turn into human

EommaJinnie: Lastly, jump on Yoongi.

Jimingotnojams: But I would be naked when I change back..

EommaJinnie: Exactly, that's the point

EommaJinnie: Do it now

Jimingotnojams: Okay...

Jimin got up and went to the middle of the room.

He turned into a panda cub and roared as loud as he could.

He just looked so cute doing it, everyone awed at him.

He turned back into a human so.. he was naked so everyone saw. "Eww." Everyone said except one person though. Yoongi was that person. He said, "Ooo~"

Then Jimin ran and jumped on Yoongi.

Yoongi whispered in his ear, "We gonna have a good time after this.~"

Jimin smiled went to get his clothes. When he was passing by Yoongi, Yoongi slapped his ass and said, "Suck a thicc, juicy ass.~"

Jimin let out a yelp. He ran quickly into the bathroom. From there, he changed into clothes then came back.

The game continued~

Jimingotnojams: I get to have a good time after this

TaeTaesucksd: My man.

EommaJinnie: Ugh whyyy

EommaJinnie: You were supposed to get a punishment

EommaJinnie: For flashing yo self.

TaeTaesucksd: Hehe Mom's plan didn't workout

Jimingotnojams: Oh well, I didn't get it becauseeee

Jimingotnojams: I'm Jimin ;)

EommaJinnie: Ugh anyway

Jimingotnojams: Okayyyy

Jimingotnojams: Taehyung dare or dare

TaeTaesucksd: Dare

Jin got up and sat next to Jimin.

He whispered something in Jimin's ear

Taehyung watched the whole thing while spamming the gc.

TaeTaesucksd: Yo ma, why u move where u sitting???

  TaeTaesucksd: Mom answer me

TaeTaesucksd: Jimin answer me

TaeTaesucksd: Stop whispering to each other

TaeTaesucksd: I will yell

TaeTaesucksd: Look at this chat now

TaeTaesucksd: Bet, I'm yelling.

Taehyung yelled, "Bro respond to my text and stop whispering to each other!"

Everyone looked at him then at Jimin and Jin. Jin said, "Shut up and chill out."

The 3 then went back to texting in the gc.

Jimingotnojams: Okay so Taehyung u will get up

Jimingotnojams: Sit next to Jungkook

Jimingotnojams: Get a blanket, cover you and Jungkook

Jimingotnojams: Stick yo hand under the blanket and start touching Jungkook's peen

Jimingotnojams: Finally, when you feel him getting hard leave his dick alone

Jimingotnojams: After that, text him, "Better fix that."

TaeTaesucksd: Hmm

TaeTaesucksd: I bet he gonna get hard

TaeTaesucksd: Instantly

Jimingotnojams: Whatever floats yo boat...

EommaJinnie: If you say so...

A/N: C











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