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3rd persons pov:

Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin made their way over to Jungkook's house to start teaching him bout everything.

Taehyungs pov:

We entered the house and we got settled and started to begin the lesson.

"So what do you want to learn about?" Jin asked Kookie. Kookie replied, "Well about everything but what is this part called?" He pointed at his dixk.

Everyone just became silent, "You don't know what that's called?" Jimin asked. Kookie shook his head 'no'. "Well that part is your peepee or in scientific terms your penis. Some people have other names for it as well like, "dixk or peen"."

Kookie said, "Ohhhh, so that's why people tell me to suck there dixk meanly." Jimin said, "Uhm if someone tell you it like that, that means your pissing them off." Kookie made an "O" face and said, "Oh okay."

Jungkooks pov:

I learned a few more things but suddenly I  was wondering what they were doing in that video so I asked, "What were they doing in that video I saw?"

Jin said, "Well when people are in love they do something called sex or they get intimate, in other terms they were fuxking each other." I kinda understood that part.

But why was that guys "peepee" was up? "Why were the guys d**k standing up?" I asked.

Jimin said, "He was getting turned on or he was horny."

I thought I understood it well so I said, "OOOO so he had a button on him and the other guy clicked it!" They look at each other and said, "Oh boii this is going to take long.."

"Okay when your dixk is standing up that means your hormones are getting riled up or things are getting freaky, aka your horny/ turned on."

"Get it now?" Taehyung said. "I understand now." I said.

Taehyungs pov:

"Kookie.. I need to tell you something.. again.." Kookie turned to me and nodded with a cute smile. "So Hybrids get a thing called heats. Heats are when your body temperature rises and you are overly hot for no reason I guess."

Kookie nodded and I continued, "So I got my heat the past few days, remember when I had all those bags of ice? And my ears and tail was exposed?" Kookie nodded and he said, "Ohh I get it now, okay!!"

I then said, "Well.. I'm a special case when I get my heat..." Kookie tilted his head and said, "What do you mean?"  I said, "Well whenever I'm on my heat, I'm hornier than usual.." Kookie made an "O" face.

"Oh and just so u know horny means getting sexually aroused which makes out peepee rise." Kookie nodded. "So now to confess what I did... I recorded you and your voice yesterday when you were taking a shower masturbating..."

Kookie paused and said, "What? I don't get it." I showed him the video and the voice recording and he was blushing like a tomato. "I also showed this to Jin and Jimin, just so you know.." I said.

Kookie nodded and said, "C-could you ex-explain what I w-was doing to my-myself.. too p-please.." I nodded and told him exactly what he was doing and what the name of his noises were and stuff.

"So you saw me doing all that yesterday and shared it to Mom and Jiminie.." Kookie asked. I nodded and he said, "Thank you for telling me... is there anything else you want to tell me as well.."

"Uhm so you know the drink incident?" I asked. Kookie nodded and I said, "I told them about that, I think that's all to tell you." Kookie nodded and played with his fingers in embarrassment.

Jin and Jimin crossed their arms and shook there head at me and I pound and sunk into the couch.

Jungkooks pov:

I learned a lot of stuff today from Jin, Jimin, and Tae. But I still couldn't believe Tae did that to me! >_< I'm so embarrassed now...

Everyone saw my body and my peepee.... wait.. I have a question, "Hey Tae?" Tae turned to me and hummed. "Did you get horny when you watched me do that?"

Taehyung blushed crimson red and nodded. I felt really happy. I didn't know why but then I glanced over and saw Jin and Jimin watching us...

"Mom please forget about it and same to you hyung!" I said, pleadingly. They both nodded. They continued to teach me stuff so I can be an adult! They showed me porn as well so I could have a visual of it.

We need up falling asleep looking at porn because they were showing me a video under each category on the website.

-Next day-

Taehyungs pov:

I woke up first and looked around to see people sleeping. "Mmm~ N-no.. ahh~ ngh~" I heard faintly and softly from Kookie..

He had morning wood and he was squirming around while whimpering. "Guys, wake up. Wake up." I whispered to Jin and Jimin and the woke up annoyed.

They were about to yell at me but then I covered there mouth and whispered, "Look at Kookie.." They turned there head slowly and their eyes widened.

I removed my hand from there mouth and Jimin covered his again. But of course, Jin, being the strict mom he is, had to ruin it.

A/N: I wonder what Jungkook was dreaming about  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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