"Can you teach me"

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Jungkooks pov:

I woke up and still thought about the word "porn" and the definition. I need more help to know more about it.

"Bye Kookie! I'm going out with Jin hyung!" Tae shouted. I said, "Okayyy!! Bye byeee." With that Tae left.

I did some more research about porn and I ended up finding this cool website. It was called Urban Dictionary. It gave me more terms like, "Cum, cumshot, and even masturabtion"

The website gave me a sentence example so I could know more about the word too! It's a pretty neat website. I still didn't understand what it meant that much but it was still cool.

I decided to call someone that could possibly know.

-Dialing Jiminie-

Jimin: Hello

Jungkook: Hiii hyung

Jungkook: I have some questions to ask you

Jimin: Okay ask away

Jungkook: Okay so I don't know if Taehyung has told you yet

Jungkook: I watched a video on his computer and-

Jimin: Yea I know

Jimin: He told me

Jimin:  What does that have to  do with anything

Jungkook: Well you see I did some research on it

Jungkook: The search results said it's porn

Jungkook: So I searched that up and showed me the definition

Jungkook: Then I went to this website called Urban Dictionary

Jungkook: Then a list of words popped up

Jungkook: I suppose they have something to do with it

Jungkook: But... I don't know what they mean.

Jimin: Ah, so what can I do for you?

Jungkook: Can you teach me the terms?

Jimin: Did you ask your mother about this

Jungkook: Well no, do I need to?

Jimin: Yes..

Jungkook: Can you ask him for me

Jungkook: Hehe

Jimin: Well I just met up with Tae and Jin just now

Jimin: So how about I give him the phone

Jimin: And u tell him

Jungkook: Okayyy

Jin: Hello, this is Jin

Jungkook: Hii mom!!

Jungkook: Did Jimin tell you already?

Jin: Yes he just explained it to me now

Jin: Why don't you want to stay innocent?

Jin: Why do you want to be like Jimin?

Jungkook: Well I just don't know

Jungkook: I want to learnnnn

Jin: Okay I give him permission to tell you about it

Jin: Ima give the phone to Tae now

Jin: He has something to tell you

Jin: Something he has been hiding

Jungkook: Okay...

Tae: Hey, this is Tae

Jungkook: What do u want to tell me?

Jungkook: Is it bad?

Tae: No no, It's just something I need to get off my chest

Jungkook: Okay, go ahead

Tae: So remember when we first met?

Tae: You asked if I was innocent?

Tae: Well that was the lie, I'm not innocent

Jungkook: You could've just told me I would've just understand

Tae: Oh really

Jungkook: Mhm

Tae: I'm glad to get that off my chest then

Jungkook: Well since you know what it is

Jungkook: How about Jimin, Mom, and you teach me?

Jimin: Sure

Jin: Okay baby

Tae: Mkay

Jungkook: Oki I'm so excited!!

Jungkook: So when do we start?

Jimin: It's me, Jimin, again

Jimin: We can start at 5pm

Jimin: If that's cool

Jungkook Oki that's fine!!

Jungkook: Come over here as well

Jimin: Mkay

Jungkook: Okay well anyway baii

Jimin: Bye

Tae: Bye bye

Jin: Byee

Taehyungs pov:

After the call, I decided to ask, "Okay so whose gonna tell him that we saw him play with himself in the shower?" Jimin and Jin looked at each other and said, "NOT IT!"

They even put their finger on their nose. I got so pissed and said, "Well that's not fair! Shouldn't you tell him, Mom, because he is your son" I said.

Jin smacked me upside the head and said, "But was I the one who was on my heat who had the idea in the 1st place?" I shook my head and said, "Fine :("

They both high five each other and started to to laugh. "That's not funny! Mom, you know my case when I'm on my heat!" Jin looked at me and cracked his fingers like we was about to fight.

"Aye, aye, aye calm down mom, I got this." Jimin said and clear his throat. "Well let's ask it like this, raise your hand if you get heats?" All of us raised our hand.

"Now keep your hand up if you get horny while your on it as well." Jin and Jimin put there hand down while I kept mine up. Jimin continued, "Okay then, something is wrong with you Tae. That''s just it." 

Jimin and Jin laughed at me again and I got tried of it so I said, "Okay you guys can stop laughing now and stop roasting me, like damn."

I then ate some of my chips and Jin and Jimin were sharing sassy faces with each other. "Ah, our next stop is home, to where we teach Kookie sex." I thought and continued eating my chips.

A/N: Wow Kookie is growing up. He about to learn about sex and etc. Ahh stay turned for the next chapter~~

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