Part 6

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"Mmh." Koenma hums, frowning hard as he sucks loudly on his pacifier.

May waits with bathed breath for whatever he has to say after her confession. She really doesn't know what to expect.

"Gah! Botan was right! I should have forced you on a vacation!" he suddenly exclaims.

"What?" May exclaims stunned.

"Do you know have many relieve hours you still have?! No wonder your head isn't on straight!" Koenma scolds.

May growls. This is a discussion that has had many predecessors.

"I told you, I don't need a vacation!" she spits back. "I'm dead!" she reminds him.

"Not dead enough to not need a vacation! You haven't stopped working since you got here!" he retorts.

"So what?!" May counters unimpressed, crossing her arms.

"So what?!" Koenma repeats. "You're making stupid decisions! You need to get away for a while." he nods.

"No! I don't! Who's going to cover for me huh?" she rebukes.

"You're not the only reaper you know. I'm telling you, you're taking a vacation!" Koenma orders, stomping his feet childishly.

May stands firmly. "If you want me to take a vacation, you'll have to kick me out!" she challenges him.


She blinks in surprise as she gets to her feet, seeing the portal close behind her. "Me and my big mouth. He could have at least let me pack some of my stuff." she huffs before being hit in the head by a backpack.

"Ow! Gee, thanks." she retorts, rubbing the back of her head. Angrily, she takes her communicator and tries to call Koenma.

"You've reached the message service of the great Lord Koenma..." Frowning, she closes the damn communicator before putting it away. "Great."

She steps out of the alleyway, looking around carefully. She has changed out of her uniform, her precious kimono that hides her from the common man. It's not a skill she owns herself. She's exposed now, stuck in a pair of black skinny jeans and white blouse. Her hair is flowing freely to her bottom.

She's wondering what the heck she should do now and where she should go.

Feeling completely out of her element, she wanders the streets a little bit before she ends up at the mall, sheltering for the rain that decided to poor down on her. Koenma really didn't think this through. She's practically a homeless person now.

It's pretty late and it's rather quiet in the mall. The shops are just closing up and she just sits there staring at the fountains next to a food court. She rubs her stomach, actually feeling a bit hungry. Damn Koenma!

Taking out her communicator she stares at it for a moment. She should probably ask for help so she'll at least have somewhere to sleep, but who? Just about everyone she knows lives in Spirit world. Everyone but Kurama and Yusuke that is, but she doesn't know either well enough to be asking for their help and she hasn't even told Yusuke yet that she's the reason he got dragged into being a detective yet. She can't take advantage of him while she hasn't explained herself yet. Sighing, she puts the communicator away again.


"Hey!" a voice calls, making May jump up with a snort. She looks around in surprise, realizing she must have fallen asleep. "It's time to go little miss. We're closing up." a security guard tells her.

Living beyond life (Kurama x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang