Part 23

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The next morning, it was almost like the night before didn't happen. Kurama warned her the night before that he doesn't want anyone finding out about his feelings for the sake of her safety, but he turns out to be very good in hiding them. It's even making her believe if she dreamed it all.

Anyway, it is still early when they find themselves waiting to be introduced before the first fight. They are all nervous to one extend or the other. May herself puts a hand to her stomach. She couldn't even get herself to eat breakfast.

The entire stadium is buzzing in anticipation for the first fight of the tournament. The seats are all filled and the crowd is rowdy and impatient.

Soon enough the announcer, a vixen introducing herself as Koto, announces the Rokuyukai team. They step out of the shadows of the catacomb opposite them, most of them looking very stern. Only Rinku looks to be having a blast as the crowd cheers as they approach the ring.

"Facing them are our guests, the Urameshi team!" Koto announces next, giving them their cue to step out as well. May takes a deep breath before walking out with the rest of them. Though Yusuke is half hanging over Kuwabara's shoulder, still fast asleep.

The crowd jeers immediately as they catch site of their group, quickly setting the mood. They all clearly hate each and every member of their team. Their insults are not very creative though.

Kuwabara scoffs irritably, "What a terrible blood thirst! That's some long pent-up anger, all directed towards us."

"It's unexpected to be called traitors by these guys, since they don't have any sense of fellowship." Kurama comments, eying the crowd with distain.

"Both teams to the center!" Koto calls out from the ring, having them all meet in the middle. "We will have the captains of both teams consult to decide the methods of battle and the terms of victory." she says through the mike. "However, if an understanding cannot be reached, then each of the five members will fight one-on-one and whichever team will have the most victors, wins." she explains.

That is pretty basic, but there is one slight problem; Yusuke is still asleep. And considering he is the captain, who will step forth?

Kurama urges Kuwabara to go ahead, off-handedly using the tactic so May won't be put on the spot by default. Considering that she was forced to be there just for shits and giggles, he wishes to keep her out of the limelight as much as possible.

"Me?" Kuwabara asks feeling honored.

"That's right, you big numbskull. I, the leader, am asleep. You do it in my place." Yusuke butts in, talking in his sleep.

"It's scary how on point he is while still being asleep." May mutters in awe. Hiei agrees with a nod.

Kuwabara steps forwards, coming face to face with Zeru the cup-cutter. "I don't care what method we use. If possible, one-on-one is best." Zeru suggests.

"That's just how I want it! One-on-one is the best in a fight among men." Kuwabara agrees before turning around to leave the ring.

Zeru eyes Yusuke's form hanging from the tall boy's shoulder, looking displeased. He unleashes a wild fire around his form, catching their attention as he tries to intimidate them and perhaps get a reaction out of the sleeping boy. The heat is intense.

Zeru sends forth his flames, letting it surround the team for a moment in it's blazing heat before the flames travel off and upwards into the crowd, burning a portion of demons to a crisp.

May can't help but glare at Zeru over the pointless action. 'We got the point yesterday though guy.'

Koto tells them to bring forth their first fighter and Rinku is eager to step up to the plate. Kuwabara, still pissed at the kid's attitude the day before, leaves Yusuke behind to take him on.

"Give it to him good Kuwabara!" Yusuke calls before calmly resuming a soft snore.

Koto lays out the rules before telling them to get cracking. It's slow to start as Kuwabara smugly dares Rinku to come at him, but when the boy finally does, he's very quick.

He bounces around like a hyperactive bunny before throwing a kick a Kuwabara, leaving a cut as he fleets past the boy. Next, Rinku delivers a kick on Kuwabara's chin.

He then continues to dart around, trying to confuse Kuwabara, but Rinku clearly is unaware at how sharp his opponent's senses are. Kuwabara picks him out rather quickly and throws his fist right into Rink's skull, catching the boy off guard.

After recovering, Rinku tries the same technique again, but Kuwabara now expects his moments and is way ahead of him, kicking him down. He follows up with a punch to the gut after which Kuwabara is determined to end it, but just before he lands the finishing blow, Rinku manages to dart away. It looks like he was hiding his read speed before.

He appears behind Kuwabara and swings out a mighty kick, right to Kuwabara's head. It makes Kuwabara hit the ground hard. There was great force behind that kick and his friends look on, wondering and worrying if he might have broken his neck.

The crowd cheers as it looks like Kuwabara is out for the count. Koto even makes it till the count of nine before Kuwabara surprisingly gets up again.

"So you can stand up to a beating, can you?" Rinku questions with a patronizing smirk before they start to circle each other again. This time, Rinku takes out eight yo-yo's from the pouch he carries with him. He energizes them with his demonic energy.

"You're finally displaying your specialty are you?" Kuwabara questions. "Then so will I!" he exclaims before producing not one, but two Spirit swords.

Rinku jumps up, throwing his yo-yo's at Kuwabara who gets ready to block them, but is surprised to find them writhing about before making contact with his body in a painful manner, throwing him back.

"Rinku's yo-yo's twisted their way in." Kurama gasps in surprise.

"A remarkable feat of control." May mutters.

Rinku goes at it again after Kuwabara is up again. Kuwabara throws up the slates of the ring to block the yo-yo's, but they just dash right through, landing another hit before the strings wrap around Kuwabara's limbs. After that, Kuwabara is a mere puppet to Rinku who repeatedly slams him into the ground.

Rinku smirks devilishly before letting Kuwabara rise up high under the control of the strings, flying him like a kite. His friends look up fearfully as the thunder crashes above Kuwabara's form.

Their attention is called by a female voice shouting behind them, "Hey Yusuke! Wake up I say! Wake up and help Kuwabara!" Keiko orders.

May's eyes widen in shock to see her, Kuwabara's sister Shizuru and Botan there. She wastes no time in running up to them.

"What are you girls doing here?! Don't you know it's dangerous?!" she scolds before Keiko turns to her with a pointed glare.

"I've had enough of all the secrets! You've been keeping all this from me for a long time now, and I say no more! That is not what friends do!" Keiko counters, before going back to yelling at Yusuke.

May sighs angrily before jumping up and clamping a hand over the girl's mouth. "Don't you know they will try to target you now that these demons know you're affiliated with us? Do you even know what you are getting yourself into?! Not knowing is what keeps you safe!" she growls before yelping as Keiko bites her hand.

"Give it up kid. There is no stopping her." Shizuru points out casually as May flaps her aching hand about. She already met the woman when coming to visit Kuwabara.

"You people are so stubborn." May hisses. "Just stay out of trouble." she warns them, making Botan give her a thumbs up.

Their attention is then thrown back to the fight. Rinku has let go of Kuwabara, making him plummet to the ground. Will he make it out alive?

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