An Embrace Kiss(Hamburr) Smut Pt 1

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We good?


Alexander POV

Laying down on the bed as tears were streaming down my cheeks as I tried to progress what happens. Months ago is when my beloved Aaron Burr, suddenly broke up with me. Just the thought of it continues to shatter my heart from pieces to pieces. I just couldn't understand why Aaron broke up with me. Did I do something wrong? Wasn't I good enough for him? Did he? Did he find someone more attractive than me? I wouldn't blame Aaron for finding somebody else better than me. Still just the thought of my former lover being with someone that's better than I just breaks my heart even more. Philip and Angelica notice my attitude has changed a lot from my outgoing self to being an insecure and quiet fellow. I always dismiss their assumption before lying to them that it was stress from work.

The guilt continues to consume me as I lied to my children about my relationship with Aaron. They didn't even know that we have been dated and now that we broke up. Every morning as the children left for school, I would cry my eyes out for hours with no end of the tears that stream down my cheeks. Ever since then, Aaron always intends to avoid me as much possible as he can. I wanted to hate him, I wanted to slap him and yell for the cruelty for breaking my heart. And yet, I can't. I don't have the ability to hate my darling Aaron. For I still loves him but I doubted that Aaron loves me anymore. Every time we're the same room together with the air always seem to be intense. No one dares to ask of what happens between us, not even Washington since I guess he didn't want to push it. Which is explain why he sent Aaron and me to Tokyo, Japan for an "important business trip" in which I doubted. We're here for about only two months and yet for the first two weeks was rough from the beginning.

Aaron would always leave in the morning and doesn't return until late at night. My heart aches for my former lover safety. No matter how harsh or cold-hearted Aaron treated me. I still love him which is why I can't stop crying. I was laying down on his bed embracing his masculine scent that still lingers within my mind and soul. My tears were soaking on the fabric of his pillows as the memories still linger within me.

The memories of three months ago where when I was waiting for Aaron at the park for our date. I couldn't contain my excitement as I held my lover present against my chest. My heart was pounding in my chest due being nervous. I knew that we've been dating for almost a year but yet Aaron somewhat manage to make me nervous. He melts my heart as Aaron would embrace me into his arms. The thought of how Aaron use to hold me tightly inside his arms though yet the next thing I know. The memories that'll haunt me for the rest of my days. Is when Aaron broke up with me so cold heartily.

The world seems to burn as Aaron just abandoned me at the park with a broken heart. Yet, I still love him. I can't forget the touch of his lips against my own. When we cuddle on the bed in secret as our children were out. The enormous amount of love letters we sent to each other during work.

"Alexander..." said a voice

My body froze for a moment knowing that smooth voice. The soft-spoken voice that always comforted me during my dark moments. Quickly getting out of bed while looking down at the floor. I couldn't look at Aaron in the eyes moment cause if I do...I would fall in love with Burr all over again. We didn't say in this awkward situation as my former love caught me laying down on his bed. Wearing nothing but boxers and his grey sweater his once given to me. Rushing out of the room but Aaron caught my wrist at the last second. I whine a little as Aaron caught my wrist in which...I hid a few cuts underneath my sleeves.

"Aaron...please let go" I stutter before Aaron pull me close to him. My body began trembling without even noticing my self. My heart was accelerating as Burr push down the sleeve in which reveals the cuts I created myself. Everything surrounded me stop for a moment as Aaron's eyes widen by emotions I can't describe. Soon he gave me the look of pity but that's not I want from him. I want my darling Ronnie to kiss me lavishly as if it the world was ending. I want him to claim me as his own again. Instead, he holds me tightly in his arms once again for the first time in forever.

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