Hamburr forbidden love story Pt.1

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Chapter 1: A Forbidden Proposal

Alexander Hamilton felt the tears streaming down his face after having a heated argument with Washington. It was rare for the father and son to have a heated argument since they usually have a few disagreements but this has taken the icing on the cake to the maximum. You see, the young teenager has apparently been dating the quiet and social awkward Aaron Burr. In school, is where the Caribbean teen has first laid eyes on Burr himself, Hamilton began slowly falling in love with this quiet and silent teenager that has stolen Alexander's heart. When the first two meets, it was obvious that didn't get along at first until one certain project has brought the two teens boy having a strong friendship in which blossom into romance.

The days where Alexander would often write an endless amount of love letters for his one and only Aaron Burr. As the quiet Burr would often dream of loving and soft romantic moments with his darling Alexander. The two teens denied their feelings at first until both of them couldn't bear the pain anymore as one raining night where Alexander and Aaron finally shared their first kiss. That one night where it brought the two boys closer than ever as their kiss brought in the spark. The same spark that both teens been dying to wish for since the day they fell in love with each other. Though now their relationship may be put at risk when Washington burst into the Caribbean room informing Hamilton that he wasn't allowed to see Burr ever again.

Within Hamilton personality that he actually has a heated argument with his adoptive father, Washington confirming that it wasn't fair. Admitting his true love for Burr just suddenly slip out of his lips in which brought his adoptive father even more upset and furious as well. After the heated argument in Washington made it final that Alexander could end things with Aaron or else. That where Alexander is right now laying down on his bed just having his heart is shattered. He couldn't understand why Washington is against him and Burr dating since the young African American teen is a genius if Hamilton due said so himself. Not to mention that Aaron is loving, caring, kind-hearted, and is patient with Alexander which no one has ever done before.

"Aaron...my love. Where are thou, Aaron?" Hamilton whispers to no one in particular.

"Right here, my darling Alexander" a voice replied

The Caribbean teen was startled by the voice that suddenly spoke out unexpectedly before notice the soft tone of the voice. He notices that it was his beloved Aaron Burr struggle to hang onto the window. There has been multiple occasion where Burr would often sneak into Alexander room as they have their own romantic moments on Hamilton bed. They wouldn't go further than having their shirts to be strip off since both teens decided to wait until the time was right. Alexander helped his lover to climb into his room before hugging him tightly as Hamilton began crying on Aaron's chest. The other teenage boy softly stroked the smaller teen dark brown hair in a gentle manner. This often clam down the Caribbean teenager whenever he felt stress, furious, or often on the verge of breaking down but Aaron was always there for him with open arms.

"My love, what's wrong? Why do shed the tears that stream down your face?" Aaron spoke with concern

"Washington...forbidden me to ever seeing again" Alexander's voice cracked

"...I see.."

"Aaron, my love. I don't wanna end things with you. I love you!! I love you too much"

Alexander continues sobbing onto Aaron's chest before he felt his lover pushing him away in which nearly shattered the Caribbean heart. That is until he felt Aaron lips pressing against his own the brought shiver down Hamilton's spine. Returning the kiss as it was filled with love, compassion, and so much more than both teenagers couldn't describe. Tears were streaming down both male faces as they continue with the kiss. Luckily, Alexander was smart enough to lock his bedroom door before Washington had a second thought of checking up on him. The young couple wouldn't break the kiss at any moment since they love each other too much.

The young couple has been dating for almost two years where both Alexander and Aaron faces the challenges of being a couple. They have their ups and downs in their relationship but no matter what obstacles will block, their love for each other would be undying. They can barely last one block without having the physical attachment of holding each other hand, sneaking kisses in the hallways during a break and of course, and having their own little romantic picnic at lunch hour. It was something that couple would do as a daily routine. Now everything would be falling apart since Washington forbid Alexander forever seeing Aaron again. This frightens the young couples since with Alexander adoptive father being the principal of the high school that the young attended to. Though Aaron is willing to take the risk of seeing Alexander in secret even it meant costing his life.

"Alexander, I know that our time together will be limited but that doesn't mean I love you any less. I'll always love you, no matter the outcome. Every night I'll come visit you and text every day" Aaron spoke

"...Promise" Alexander replied cautiously

"I promise my love. With this ring, I'll take your sorrow away and pray that you'll marry me"

Aaron gently pulled out a silver ring with an emerald embedded in the middle in which there was writing on the inside of the ring. Alexander gasp while covering his mouth while tears were once again streaming down his face but these were tears of joy. Nodding his head in excitement as the African American teen slid the ring on his boyfriend left ring finger. The young couple kisses each other happily as they decided to reach the level of their relationship of being engaged.

"Yes, my darling Aaron, I'll marry you" Alexander responded as he cuddles against Aaron's chest. The older teen slightly combed his fiancee's hair, lord does he loves saying that in his mind. Even though they've dated a short amount of time, both Alexander and Aaron knew that they're meant for each other and are ready to marry each other. 

I may upload another part sooner or later, bye bye 

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