Lams NSFW: Thirst For Love

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Lams NSFW: Thirst For Love

Third POV

Today could be one of the worst days Alexander Hamilton has ever encountered in his life. In the early morning, the Caribbean immigrant alarm didn't turn on. He tripped down the stairs causing to get a bruise on his waist. Not to mention getting his shirt dirty by getting spilled coffee on his nice and clean white button shirt. Missing an important meeting in which lead his mortal enemy Jefferson to take such a large project. Hitting his knee on the corner of his desk last but not least is when his laptop decided to act like a dick today. It would cooperate with Hamilton by acting very slow for the first three hours until shutting down completely. He internally screams of anger, embarrassment, and other emotions that were far beyond from other adjectives. Slamming his head on the hard wooden flat of his desk.

Which made a very loud thud which could be heard from the outside of his office. Wiping the tears of frustration away before deciding to work on files works. His least favorite work subject but he needed to occupy himself for the time being. Writing completely nonstop from here and there while stacking a mountain of files. It would've been easier just to do it on his laptop but nope. Doing the old-fashion paperwork would just have to do. Growling angrily to himself as he summarizes how much bad luck he had all in one day. About to finish one of the last twelves files is when his pen has suddenly exploded all over his hands, his coffee stain shirt, and part of his cheeks. Sighing of stressful while heading to the restroom to clean himself up. A few of his co-worker saw the pen's artwork in which they either laugh to themselves. Or they would straight giggle at him for a few short seconds before walking away. Mentally debating to himself on whether he should leave work early today or not. The pros are that he could forget that this whole day has ever happened. The cons are that his co-worker would give him shit for leaving work early. Apparently, he's one of the best employee in the company since Hamilton is nonstop.

In the end, he grudgingly stays at work and begrudgingly returned back to his office. Once entering into his office before locking the door. Though the day hasn't gotten better as he hopes. He hit his knee on the corner of his wooden desk. Not once, not twice, but three times. Wishing that he could just die right now and start this day over again. But that is sadly wishful thinking since this gonna be one hell of a day. Which it think since Hamilton has embarrassed himself in from of his friends/co-worker for the past five hours. He accidentally slid down the stairs, one of the sleeves on his shirt got rid off (not sure how though), but with the cherry on top is something not worth mentioning. It's way too embarrassing to even bring up.

Eventually, the soft sunlight disappears from the city of NYC. Replacing with the lovely white moon and the sparkling glitter stars. Alexander is the one worker to be inside the building. Taking a small release before returning to his office. Washington has already left the key on his desk. But he wasn't expecting a special and wonderful person in front of him. The one and the only person that could turn this darkest days into one of his brightest memories. John Lauren, his lover of three years was smiling at him innocently while carrying a bag of McDonald's. His love for this southern male couldn't have grown much stronger than it has now. John gasp when noticing the coffee stain and the pen ink splatter all over his shirt. The freckle male connected the stain fairly quick to know his boyfriend is having a bad day.

"Bad day, sweetie?" John asks

"More like hell" Alexander respond

"Awww, poor Papi" John gave the immigrant a small kiss on the cheek which made him blush a little. Both of them giggling at each other before eating lunch. Enjoying the tasty McNuggets and fries dissolving in their stomach acids. Lauren sat on Hamilton's lap while cuddling up against his strong muscular chest. Loving being his strong lover arms with those biceps wrapping themselves around his waist. Letting a shy laughter escape from his lips which Alexander adore deeply. Makes his heart skip a beat or so probably even went boom!! He felt so grateful to have John in his real life and here at the moment during his hell day. Unexpectedly, John faces toward him where he was sitting on his lap with each side by side of Alexander's thighs. Wrapping his arms Alexander's neck before kissing him deeply, which shock the immigrant but slowly return the favor. Moaning lightly as John rub his hips while biting his lower lips seductively.

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