The Witch Lullaby

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A peaceful night in the month of October whereas the one and only Treasurer Secretary were holding his second daughter. A little 2 years old Eliza Hamilton was laughing as the wind lightly brushes them. The other Hamilton children were laughing and playing around in the front yard as they toss leaves at one another. His wife and sister in law were visiting their younger sister Margarita who has become greatly ill. Eliza told her husband that he and the children must stay home for the time being since both of them couldn't of the children getting sick as well. Luckily, they decided to stay with Peggy and her husband for almost a month or two give or take how Peggy her illness affects her. It gives time for the Caribbean immigrant to spend more time with the children. Letting them know that they're more than just regular humans being. Oh no, what lies beneath in Hamilton's blood is the traditionally the blood of the witches that belong to his family from generations through generations.

In fact, Hamilton has to lie about his past since he couldn't take the risk of being murder on a stake. You see the immigrant father was caught using witchcraft after placing a curse on the neighbor by making him commit suicide. And for that, his father James Sr Hamilton was confined guilty for murder and the use of his father and so for that. His father was burned alive but he never made a sound, not even a single scream. Later on, when Hamilton was around twelve years old, he and his brother lost their mother due to an illness that only witches and warlock could catch. Now, he and his brother decided to go on their own separate ways in order to carry on their family tradition. Being warlocks and witches to this day and age is extremely especially if you don't want yourself or your children being caught doing witchcraft. Luckily, he manages to teach them to control their powers even along with emotions.

Eliza is already developing her power at such a young age knowingly that she a gifted witch. Most children would develop their powers at the age of five and six. Very common but during their younger toddler years is extremely rare and risky. Luckily, Hamilton can continue teaching Philip and Angie about making potions and spells as well. Along with placing curses on those that deserve to be punished. Enjoy the fresh air of the night time in the lovely month of October. The lonely month where witches can be safe and sound without being suspicious by others.

Hamilton hummed a little while baby Eliza began levitating in the air before the young father grabbed her quickly. Making sure their surrounding is empty and luckily it is. Letting out a sigh of relief by the youngest daughter began whimpering and acting all fussy. Though Hamilton knew a perfect way to clam down his baby girl. He sang this lullaby before to Philip but it's been awhile. Still, this lullaby is part of his family history and has been sung to from generations to generations.

Hush, my love

Hear and listen to the wind tonight

Do you hear our ancestors sing

One night, we'll join their wicked life

As the wolves will howl and sings 

Soon Eliza began giggling and intended to sing with her adorable cute as the other children listen peacefully to the lullaby. Hamilton and his children dance around in the front yard for a bit. They went to the backyard that was connected to the forest. Which Hamilton created a cabin deep within the forest that only he and his children knew. They kept their powers a secret from their mother and auntie Angelica. Though Peggy is the only Schuyler sisters that know about Hamilton secret of being a warlock since Peggy is a witch as well. They help each other out while teaching the young ones to control their powers since they can't afford to risk of being sent to the death penalty. Luckily, no one has ever found out the Hamilton darkest secret in the city of New York. At least people don't walk or travel in the city at night.

Hush, my love

Look and see the moon tonight

Do you see them smiling at us

We'll join their merry lives

As we sing and dance to the night of darkness

Eliza Hamilton soon fell asleep in her father arms before leading the rest of the children inside their houses. Letting them night into their night clothing as they fall asleep in the comfort of their beds. As the children were asleep Hamilton went downstairs in the living room as he quickly closes the curtains. The candles were still lit before continuing the lullaby. It seems like the children didn't know their father was still singing as they slept. But their voices enter into the mind of their dreams where he was their savior and protector.

Rest now, my children

Dream the night away

We'll carry on the witches stories

That lies within our blood

Rest now, my children

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