First Burn Hamilton Version 2.0

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Deep within the city of New York lies a new juicy story that became the new gossip across New York. Along bringing shame and embarrassment toward one specific family that has gained a strong reputation as a husband worked with Congress. Known as a treasurer who worked long hours reading and writing nonstop for his family. Now knowing the truth of a certain pamphlet that was spreading like wildfire throughout the city. It became very public and clear that the treasurer wife has an affair with another married man and kept it as a secret. By using hush money with her own money that she stashes away for quite sometimes. Now the Hamilton's are being mocked and tortured by the pain and the embarrassment in which Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton put them through. Alexander Hamilton once read this four-page pamphlet in his hands before rushing into his office.

But not his office at work or no his friends and somewhat frenemies saw him enough wasting his tears. Instead ran to his office at home after comforting the children that have read about the affair themselves. Philip and Angelica hugged their father so tightly that their father couldn't breathe physically. But he also couldn't breathe emotionally as well. After comforting his two eldest children little AJ and James ran toward their father and started crying with him for what seems endless amount of hours. Carrying little John in his arms before kissing his forehead before walking to the office upstairs. Philip took John into his arms before seeing his father rushing up the stairs. Tears were streaming down Alexanders' face before slamming the door behind him.

Feeling his heart cracking once again before landing onto his knees and began crying his eyes. It was an out of the blues crying or "I'm crying for no reason" sobbing. No, this poor husband and father is balling his eyes out from the depths of his soul. His children heart shatter even more just hearing their fathers expressing emotions out because of this damn affair. The papers that were helded in Alexander's hands were being crushed and crumbled by his anger and his broken heart. After letting all those tears wash out of him before feeling numb and anger taking control of him. Looking at the slow dying candle that was barely lighting up his office. The immigrant tosses the candle very harshly into the fireplace which causes the firewoods to burn immediately.

Finally, lighting up the small office which took a few minutes before Hamilton saw the portrait of him and Eliza on their wedding day. Along with their friends and her family where they were happy to celebrate the glorious occasion. Now it's nothing more than a thing of the past, and he felt nothing but emotionles. His heart just feels so empty and blank within him. Yet, He still loves and cherishes his children but his another story. Sitting on the bench whereas Hamilton just stares at the fire with letters scatter around him. Letters that were written by his wife during the times of their youth. To to the letters written to their current days. Unknowingly, he was just looking at the fire with a blank face but felt fresh teardrop streaming down his cheeks.

Soon the door to his office open with an eerie squeaky sound knowing far too well it was his wife, Eliza. Neither of them says anything in the semi-dark office that was barely lighten by the fireplace. Hamilton still has his back turn toward his wife. The young wife looks down in shame and embarrassment but couldn't express it in words. Alexander knew his wife didn't have much to say since what did he expect. She publishes an entide pamphlet that describes her affair with another married man and kept it as a secret for the past six years. What was suppose to be said or spoken throughout this whole ordeal? Hamilton clinched the pamphlet in one hand while in the other was love letters from his wife.

I save every letter you wrote to me

From the moment I saw you

You knew I was yours

You said I was yours

I thought I was yours

Hamilton looked up at the ceiling with a blank expression then at his wedding portrait. His heart began to thud harshly before remembering Eliza betrayal. The first thing when he came into his office during work before locking the door as he was rereading the pamphlet over and over just nonstop. Balling endless amount of tears before chopping his long dark brown locks. The memories of the 1780 winter ball is where Alexander and Eliza first encounter after being introduced by Lafayette. The French immigrant, the same man whom he counted as his brother was always there for him even now. Taking the risk of being caught by his enemies while fighting for the independence of France.

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