Chapter 13: The Fairy Queen, Titania.

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Juvia & Natsu disappear in the blink of an eye with the culprits being Neptune, the GOD of the sea, and Pluto, the GOD of Death. Asra Knightwalker shows up and offers a trade, Eileen for Erza. Jellal and company follow through with Eileen's plan to surrender as Gray and company search for Juvia and Lucy's group searches for Natsu. Mavis' group seeks the help of the Fairy Queen Titania, without her help the Earthland Wizards will be stuck in Niflheim. 

Gray POV:

"According to Eileen, we'll find Neptune right over those mountains there", says Ul.

"How can we trust her? I don't sense Juvia's magic power", I say.

"We have nothing else to go by", says Meredy. 

"Hang on Juvia, we're coming", I say as I clench my fist.

"Is she your girlfriend?", asked Ul.

"What!? No", I say.

"It's not my place but you know how she feels about you Gray", says Meredy.

"She makes it crystal clear", says Lyon.

"You shouldn't lead a woman on like that Gray", says Ul. 

"I thought things would go well with you two", says Silver.

"It's not that... it's just", I say gulping.

"You can tell us, we're all your family", says Ul.

"It's just that .... everyone I loved has been taken from me ...", I say not noticing the words that came out of my mouth. 

"Are you afraid she's going to be taken from you?", asked Lyon.

"Everyone I loved ..... my mother, my father, my teacher ... Ul ... tear", I say as I gulp hard. 

"If you hold on to the past like that, you'll never be able to look towards the future", says Ul. 

"You deserve happiness to so let it happen", says Silver.

"There's no one stopping you Gray", says Lyon as they extend their hands. 

For the first time ..... for the first time in a while, I felt a warm feeling in my chest ... everyone.... truly .... thank you .....

Laxus POV:

Laxus, Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen, Orga & God Serena. 

"So we're not going straight into Nilfhiem are we?", says Orga. 

"According to master Mavis, we should steer clear of Ankhseram at all costs", I say.

"Even so ...", says Orga.

"Why is he with us?", says, Freed, as he gives Serena the death stare. 

"The most powerful mage in the continent huh?", says Evergreen as she looks at Serena.

"What are you doing here?", I ask.

"My guess is as good as yours", he says as he looks at me.

"Would you stop staring, it's freaking me out", I command.

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