5. House Hunting and Meetings

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Of course I miss home, but I could definitely get used to living in LA permanently. That is if I find an apartment that I like. There's been so many beautiful places, but they have things like pink floorboards, noisy neighbours or haunted bathrooms that are enough to turn me off.

Back home I still lived with my parents, but I know that if I were still in Australia I would definitely be looking at my own place like I am now. I'm only nineteen, but I do enjoy my own privacy and can take care of myself so that is why I am capable of living on my own at such a young age.

Since coming back and forth to LA, I have stayed at Rebecca's place. We met at a Sephora launch party at the beginning of last year and have been friends ever since. Rachel is one of those friends who is bold and blunt but you still love them for it because they've got your back. 

So for over a year now I have been living between Rebecca's house here in LA and my parents house in Sydney. Most of my time is spent in LA though, or travelling around the world.


"What do you think of this apartment ma'am?" The short, balding guy in the navy suit asks me. Crap, he only told me his name two and a half minutes ago when he introduced himself and I've already forgotten it. Way to go Hailey.

"It's nice" I say politely although the door was lime green and I hated it as soon as I seen it because that reminds me of my lockers back at school. I look around the place as I walk deeper inside. There's a nice view of some greenery which is nice and there looks to be a park nearby where I can take my non-existent dog for a run every morning.

I feel like this place is growing on me, but that green door has got to go.

I feel like this place is growing on me, but that green door has got to go

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"Would I be able to paint the door if I were to buy this place?"

The man raises a brow at me. "The inside of the door yes if approved by the home owners, but the outside is to stay. All the doors are to remain the same colour. The home owner owns the interior of the apartment but not the exterior."

I nod my head. "Right." Well there goes the morning park runs with my non-existent dog. I look down at my watch and check the time. "Thank you for your time. I am really sorry but I have to head to a meeting now. I will be in touch." In other words get me out of here I don't like this place, no offence bald guy who I forgot the name of.

"But you can paint the interior ma'am and there are so many great aspects. The bathroom is double the size of-"

"I'm sorry, I just feel like this apartment isn't for me." I had to be straight with him. The look on his face looks like a kid when you tell them they can't have ice cream.

"Okay then, how about the fifth floor? We have a slightly smaller room and-"

"What colour are the doors?" He asks.


"Oh, what a vibrant place this seems to be."

"So if you will just come this way with me" he leads me out the door.

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