The sun is shining through the blinds in Harry's room and you know what that means. It is a new day and it is going to be an interesting one. I get up and have my shower whilst Harry is still asleep.
I am enjoying the silence coming from my mouth because today I am going to have to think before I say everything to make sure I speak in a British accent.
"Good morning matey" Harry says to me as I walk out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me.
"Morning love" I chirp back and Harry laughs to himself.
"Ya look great" he sends me a thumbs up. "You hungry do ya want some brekky?"
I drop my towel and bend down to my suitcase to get my clothes out for the day.
"Jesus, I think-" Harry stops himself as he was speaking in his usual accent. "I mean, Jesus I think we may have to stay in for a while longer." He now speaks in an Australian accent.
"I am hungry. Shall we ask Anne, Gemma and Robin if they want to go out for brunch? My shout since you have all done more than enough to make me feel welcome here."
Harry gets up out of bed and of course he is naked. I remember when we first started sleeping in the same bed he would wear his boxers because he knew I was uncomfortable but after a short period of time they were tossed aside and he continued sleeping how he likes best ... naked.
"Sure, but no baby."
"No what?"
"You aren't shouting. I won't allow it."
"Harry, s-" he cuts me off by bending down and kissing me. "Whilst your persuasion is testing me, it won't work. I am paying."
"I love you, I really do. But I hate arguing with you about money. You really piss me off."
"Hey, you didn't use your Australian accent."
Harry rolls his eyes. "I am being serious."
I smile up at him as he walks away to the bathroom. "Would you rather me be a gold digger?"
"No fucking way."
A laugh escapes my lips. "Then let me pay."
Harry shuts the door and that tells me that he isn't going to let me win this. I walk out and see Gemma on her phone on the lounge.
"Good morning" I say to her.
"Morning lovely" she hasn't noticed anything yet, until she looks up from her phone and stares at me weirdly. "You've been here for what? Like two weeks? And you've picked up an accent."
This is super hard not to laugh. She looks so confused. "Harry and I are swapping accents for twenty four hours."
"Oh my god this is amazing. Where is Harry? His Australian accent is terrible."
"He is actually getting better at it."
"Probably because he has been hanging around you for so long."
I nod. "Yeah, that's why I can speak British better than I used to. Although growing up I would always put on a British accent, sometimes when out with friends we would pretend we were British and see strangers reactions. So I am used to this one."
"You should try American."
"I just sound like a real outback Australian when I do an American accent."
"Can I hear it?"
I shake my head. "Ask me tomorrow. I have to speak British for today."
"And what happens if one of you break the accent?"

Always You
FanfictionNo matter the circumstance, Harry and Hailey always seem to find a way back into one other's lives. "It'll always be you."