80. Eternity

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Harry and I are on our way back from breakfast. There are advertisements playing through the radio and I am thankful that we both get to rest our voices for a few minutes because we have been singing along to every song that has come onto the radio. 

"We're always helping each other out when we have brain farts with songs and always writing about about each other, have you ever had the thought-"

"-Of writing together?" Harry looks over at me as he finishes my sentence. 

I smile. "Yes, exactly that."

Harry nods his head and smiles to himself. "I would love that. However, I don't think the world is ready for that. Everyone thought the world would end last year in 2012 with an alien apocalypse. I feel like the world would end in 2013 or 2014 because of Hailey Hayes and Harry Styles."

I laugh at him and before I can speak, the bluetooth in the car sounds a calling tone and Zayn's name flashes on the touch screen of Harry's car. 

"Mr Malik." Harry says professionally as he answers the phone.

"Styles, you and Hailey free right now?"

Harry looks over at me for reassurance and I nod my head. 

"You're in luck my friend. We are heading back from breakfast now. Everything alright?"

"Everything is fucking great bro. Louie is on board, Niall is already on his way here and I am still yet to ring Liam but I want you and Hailey to come over tonight. I mean, Perrie and I both would.

Harry and I exchange a glance and I have a feeling we are both thinking the same thing. Did Zayn finally pop the question? Excitement grows within me. I cannot wait to find out what this news is.

I fiddle with the bracelet on my wrist and stare down at it as Harry speaks with Zayn. When we stop at a set of lights I feel Harry's eyes on me. I look over at him to see him staring at my bracelet too. 

"We will be there. What time?"

"Come over whenever bro. We can all chin and watch a movie, put a fire on too. Then tonight get some takeaway I'm feeling Chinese or Thai. Just have a good time with everyone."

"Sounds great. See you then. Want us to bring dessert?"

"Whatever you feel bro."

"Alright. We will see you tonight."

After ending the call, I am about to suggest a nice cheesecake from dessert but Harry speaks first. 

"I love you." 

I will never get tired of hearing him say those three words to me. I lean over and kiss him. "I love you too. So flipping much Harry."

He smiles and then looks from me to the bracelet. He reaches over and twists it around until the words are visible. 

"I really love this too. It's so beautiful" 

He looks from the bracelet, to my eyes. "That engraving isn't just there because it's beautiful. I want to be with you for the rest of my life Hailey. I want to be with you for eternity."

I want to put my arms around him and pull him into me but the light turns green so I can't do that. But it doesn't mean I won't do it as soon as we stop at the next set of lights. I have never hoped for a red light so badly, until now. 

"You are so good with words Harry. God, I cannot express how much you mean to me. Ugh, you're just everything." I place my hand on his thigh. "Thank you for choosing to love me. I am the luckiest woman in the world."

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