Harry places his hands on his mother's shoulders and guides her over to the lounge. "Sit down mother. You have prepared meals for us every day since we have arrived and you deserve the night off before the big day tomorrow."
Anne swats Harry away with the towel in her hand. "Nonsense. I barely have my boy home, let alone his beautiful girlfriend. I don't get to cook you home cooked meals throughout the year so at least let me do it when you are home."
Harry sighs. "Fine."
"One one condition" I pick up the knife that Anne was previously chopping up the vegetables with. "Harry and I can help you."
Anne looks between Harry and I. "I suppose so. But only because I need to teach you both a thing or two for when you are cooking for my grandchildren."
"Mum, we haven't even been together for one year yet. Pipe down a little, yeah?"
"You never know Harry. Gemma's arrival was much sooner than I had planned out but she was the best thing ever."
Anne looks over at Gemma who is watching a Christmas film with Robin.
"Which Santa Clause is that, Gem? 1, 2 or 3?"
"It's number two but number three is on after this. That's my favourite."
"Number three is my favourite too." Harry has a frown on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask him
Harry sighs. "I wanted to watch elf. It is a Christmas Eve tradition."
"Harry, you-" Gemma begins to shout at him but he cuts her off.
"I don't care how often I watch that movie. It is a tradition and you cannot break traditions."
Anne chuckles at her two children bickering.
"Harry, can you check on the roast please?" Anne throws Harry the towel and he catches it then whips my backside as he walks passed me. He smirks to himself.
"I have a knife. Watch it, Styles."
Anne laughs again. "Don't mess with a woman in possession Harry." I mouth a thank you to Anne and she winks at me. "Now, you want to chop them super finely which will add more flavour in the soup without it being too chunky. Yes, like that. Perfect. Now just don't cut those fingers off."
"That is my biggest fear when using large knives like this. My mum didn't let my sister or I use sharp knives until we were seventeen."
"I can see why" Harry mutters under his breath. I give him a dirty look which only amuses him more. He comes over and stands behind me, watching me cut carefully. Whilst he is caught off guard and not expecting it, I turn around and elbow him below the ribs.
"Ooh" he nurses the tender area with his hands.
"Don't be a smart ass then."
Harry bites his lip which is such a turn on but I can't comment on that whilst his family is around.
"Harry, make yourself useful will you. Stir the broth on the stove."
"Yes mother" Harry sings out.
We finish preparing the roast chicken and vegetable soup then set it out on the table.
"I think we make a great team. Many thanks to Anne though." I hug her from the side and she places her arm around me then kisses my cheek.
"I think a couple more lessons and then we will be well on the way to you both cooking marvellous meals for my grandkids."
Harry rolls his eyes. "You are going to keep talking about this for the next ten years, aren't you?"

Always You
FanfictionNo matter the circumstance, Harry and Hailey always seem to find a way back into one other's lives. "It'll always be you."