x Thirty Four x

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A/N - If you're enjoying the story, make sure you're voting! The more you vote, the more I'll give back with my stories. Let's try get 3k votes before the big ending? ILY all for reading this far and I'm glad you're all enjoying yourselves.

Also note that there is going to be a lot of Izuku's POV. Hope nobody minds.

Izuku's Perspective >>

"Y/N?" I whispered as a shadowed man appeared. "If you want her back, you'll have to come get her yourself." The growl he gave as he spoke spooked me and he disappeared into thin air once more.

I quickly got up grabbing Y/N's bag and ran. Where I ran to? Nowhere in particular. I just needed to get away from here. She was gone within the matter of seconds. There is no way I can take that man on by myself. I wouldn't even know where to look to find him.

Finding myself running into town, I crossed paths with Todoroki. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Todoroki asked causing me to stop. I thought for a moment before blurting out "Y/N. Y/N's gone! She just.. disappeared" I told him in a panic. After I realised what I said, I slapped my hand over my mouth. I probably sounded ridiculous right now. He growled a little under his breath before saying "I knew this would happen.." I just looked at him confused before he pulled me over into a smaller ally so we were out of people's way.

"What do you mean you knew this would happen?" I asked him. "Remember how I told you to break up with her? Like you weren't good enough for her?" he asked me. It was hard to forget those things he said so of corse I remembered. Nodding my head to him, he continued. "I said those things so that she won't associate with you. She was kidnapped, Midoriya" he said causing me to freeze. "T-This is my f-fault?" I asked him. No way could it be. "She was kidnapped because you care about her. I would assume All for One took her-" He was cut off by me making a run for it. I had heard enough to know what I needed to do.

My legs carried me as fast as they could to the school. Quickly making my way in, I stayed low avoiding contact with all teachers. I ran into the classroom and grabbed some stuff from my desk as well as my hero costume. I'd need this stuff when I did the dumbest thing probably ever.

I dashed back through the halls and out onto the field. I got out my phone and opened up my friend map. As I expected, her picture showed up on the map giving me her exact location. It didn't seem she was moving so I took a screenshot, just incase I lost any kind of connection.

Once I reached home, I got changed and got a page up on All for One that I found a while ago. It was from a past All for One user written years and years ago hidden deep in the web. The quirk works similar to One for All.  It can be passed on by sharing a part of DNA. All quirks will be passed onto the next person that were stolen by the previous user.

After re-reading everything, I picked myself up and made another run. I wasn't sure where exactly I needed to go to get there, so i just followed my phone to where she supposedly was on the map.

I dodged people and buildings as I ran down the streets through town. I got some strange looks and some people recognised me from being a U.A student. I've also been on T.V a few times.

My mind trailed to Y/N as I ran. How could I let this happen to her?

'YOU WERE CONSTANTLY HURTING YOURSELF TO SAVE ME BECAUSE I COULD DO NOTHING' her word's echoed in my mind as clear as day. 'I LOVE YOU SO GOD DAMN MUCH THAT I PUT MY OWN FEELINGS ASIDE TO KEEP YOU SAFE.' No. 'I'M NOT LETTING YOU PERMANENTLY HURT YOURSELF OVER ME'  That's not my excuse.  I'm not going to let what she said is stop me from helping her. It wasn't and isn't. I can't keep any promises to your word Y/N. This time, you need me.

I was a little out of the city when I saw an old looking barn. It was large and wooden as if it were for an old farm. Even though we don't have farms this close to the city? I looked back down at the map one last time to see that this was where she was.

I slowly stood out the front of the worn down place taking a deep breath. My eyes trailed to the broken lock. They're not trying to hide anything. This is what they want. Slowly pushing open the door, I see a large empty area with only the littlest of brightness from the old over head lights. The place seems empty and dead. Is anyone even here? Was this all a trick?

My green eyes are glowing in this light and so the power from my quirk. I'm alert for any kind of attack at any moment. "Anyone here?" I call. I heard small muffled sounds in response. I try to see where the sound came from but it's so dark in here. "Hello?" I called again. I heard the sound again and a little more clear this time. They were muffled screams. "Y/N?" I asked the dark. No one would scream in this case unless they were in trouble.

My predictions were correct. I looked up when a brighter light was turned on. It was like a spotlight was highlighting my nightmares. I saw Y/N. Her face cut and bruised, as well as her uniform and body. Her eyes were knocked purple and there were small dried blood stains everywhere. Mouth covered and hands tied. It was obvious she was tortured. I could see the dried and fresh tears down her face. She stood high on a platform, rope around her neck like the platform was ready to be dropped for her long waited death.

Nothing else mattered in that moment besides the look she gave me. A true look of despair.

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