Chapter 2 - Into the Woods

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Running.... Restlessly marching and vice versa. This is what I did most of the time. It wasn't scary at all being into the woods with bigger and creepier trees that will soon eat me. Shin told me that I should never go into the woods in their world. But for second, I was thinking to set a rebellion.

Tired, I heavily breathe as I stop when I saw a gushing water along the river. There's no way I could jump that freaking other side. I'm not a superhuman like them so my running stops here.

I began to cry aloud. Too loud for I know no one can hear me. The pain from every corner of my heart is more unbearable. Sure thing that sufferings will be soon, but not for becoming a vampire.

The weather became much colder and thunder strikes in front of me. Dark clouds started to creep and the stars that I admired slowly fading. It started raining. I fell on my knees as I covered my face full of tears. I had a lot of time crying. Maybe because it's too much. How he said it in front of me, hurts me a lot. I am a complete idiot asking him to turn me into a vampire when I know it's not enough for him to stay.

"You're too noisy, don't you think?"

I stopped as I suddenly heard someone's talking behind my back. "Who's there?" I looked around only to know there's no one other than me. It's a man's voice, I know. A kind of voice that was deep and shallow.

"Aren't you a vampire? Why can't you see me?"

"I-I'm just a dhampir." I lied "My abilities were not enough." I began to feel anxious as to why I'm talking involuntarily to a stranger.


"Where are you? Stop hiding like a scaredy-cat and faced me."

"Just because you said it, I'll do it" His voice is getting huskier as if he was catching his breath.

"Then it's fine. I don't have to see you too." We both became silent but as I thought that he would stop bubbling nonsense, he started to annoy me again.

"I haven't heard a dhampir crying so loud like you do."

"Then you heard it now. Time for you to laugh."

"I won't. You're not even funny." He remarked.

I'm trying to ignore him, so I wiped my tears and tried to be as calm as possible. This sarcastic monster is not worth with my answers.

"What are you crying for? It seems like you ponder a lot of emotions just a while ago. Perhaps the dhampir you thought you could trust, betrayed you, isn't it?"

For a second, I became flustered. It came to my conclusion that the reason why I'm crying is not really because I'm broke. He's right. I was betrayed.

"I must be right." He added.

"That's none of your business." I tried to fix myself before standing up. I wanted to get away with this sarcastic creature before he could ruin my night.

"Aren't you scared going into the woods? There are hunters lurking here. Dhampirs should've known that the woods are dangerous."

"I believe you're one of them." I conclude. "If so, just kill me then."

For a minute, he became silent. Maybe he's thinking about the ways to kill me? "Is that your death wish?" He asked coldly.

"Yes. I've been longing it for now." Confidently, I muttered.

I heard someone went down from a tree. He's walking towards me. The moon's light slowly flashes on his face and I finally saw him.

Eyes were full red like a blood. It's too distracting and looks horrible. His black long hair's waving due to wind. Rain drops on his serious face. He's sculpted body beneath his black shirt had drawn my attention. He probably killed a lot of vampires in here.

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