Chapter 21 - The Portal

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“The portal will be locked in 5 minutes. This is the only thing I can do.”

“It’s fine. We just need this few minutes though.”

I kept mum while looking at them. Until they looked at me. “How do you know him, Troy?”

“He’s the first person who turned me into ashes and made me come back to life.”


Leo laughs, “You still have that kind of look in your face.” He came forward as he held my hand and kiss it. “It’s an honor to meet another Golden Blood.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“My mother was a Golden Blood and a witch.”

“Do you mean… Selene?” I said as I remember her name while the elders talks about me and the former Golden Blood.

“Is he a Golden Blood?”

“No, Golden Blood is only for ladies. Even his mother is a Golden Blood seer, he’s just a half witch and half vampire.”

“I thought there could only be one golden blood?”

“There is only you. That’s why I said my mother was a Golden Blood.” He narrowed his eyes on me.

“Then that only means…”

“We need to get hurry, Leo open the portal now.” Troy ordered him so he turned around and faced the portal. The fireflies is still around covering him while releasing a strange light when he placed his hand and pressed the wooden door. The door suddenly made a sound and finally cracked. My eyes seems not to believe of what was happening in front of me. He easily opened the portal without any trouble even the fireflies didn’t attack us. He is really a strange dhampir I’ve ever known. 

“This will only last in five minutes. Better to keep fast.” He warned.

Troy then faced me and looked me in the eyes. “Just walk to that door and never look back. I’ll follow you when everything is right. I will keep Shin, Cindy and my family safe with me. You don’t have to worry.” He said. I nodded slowly.

Looking at the portal, I realized that this must be the right decision I’ve had. I walked forward ready to pull every memories in this world away from me. Everything. Meeting him from the start, looking in his dark bloody red eyes and taking him in my heart. I want to think rationally now and choose what is the best decision for everyone. 

Ever since I was little, I’ve been thinking about how to save my friends even though they were more powerful than me. I was protecting them in my own way without thinking of the consequences. I’ve been attacked by wolves because I was protecting Cindy in the woods with Shin. I wanted to show them that I was strong that I could be not just an ordinary friend too. I wish to be an extraordinary girl and I wish to be like them. But now that my wish came true, I don’t know if I can be more than happy with the thought of becoming a murderer.

Before I could step into the portal, someone came and pulls me away in just a blink of an eye. It is so fast that I was shocked to see that I was already far away from the portal with a man behind me and with his giant hand on my neck. “You seem planning on your own, bud.” He says with a cold voice.

“Hector!” Troy exclaimed.

He laughs, “This is why I couldn’t trust you even you’re my cousin. You betrayed dhampirs and hunters. Just whose side are you really?”

“I am not siding with anyone. We don’t have time for this. Alice will die here.”

“That is her fate and not yours. She was born to be the Golden Blood. She should not be in the human world. You cannot stop her fate just by bringing her back to the other world. I already warned you. She’ll die in my hands if you will hinder our plan.” He said.

“Go on, kill her.” Leo said with confidence.

“Leo! Just what are you talking about?” Troy’s furiously ask.

“She can’t be killed just by anyone like you.”

“Let’s make a try.” The young hunters move forward covering us.

“Dumbass.” Troy hissed as he fights with the hunters.

“Troy!” I screamed.

“You cannot stop your future, you fool weakling thing. Coming back to the human world doesn’t mean that you’ll forget everything. Turning back with your fate means that you’re a big loser living without a point in life. You are a disgraced to your mother who’s now an old woman without a power because she gave it all to you, poor thing, she’s been doing her best to live just to watch over you waiting to accept your power before she dies.” My eyes widened as I hear a word mother.

“My mother… is long gone.”

“Do you think so? Because I know something about her. You probably eager to know her too. But if you leave here, how can you know it?”

His eyes were too strong to just lie. He seems to know something about me. The feeling that I wanted to find out about the truth about myself is now screaming in my head. I wanted to know who is Alice Luna. I don’t want my life to be as pointless as now.

Before I could agree with him, Leo appeared behind him putting his hand in Hector’s shoulder and creates a spark making him collapse and lost consciousness. “What did you do?!”

“He keeps blabbering nonsense. There is no time for that.” He easily carries me as he teleports in front of the portal and puts me down. “You must go. The portal will soon be close.” He said.

“I… I want to know myself more. He said my mother was…”

“He is lying just to lure you, didn’t you feel that? Now, go and don’t look back!” He’s eyes were now in rage as if he wanted me to follow him and never ask anything anymore. He must’ve been right. I was too naïve to believe what Hector said. I turn back and walk but he push me away making me fall in a dark black hole. I screamed hard. I was horrified and shocked. It was too dark and the light came from the door slowly gone. The portal is different from before. Is this the end of me?

I woke up from the sound of the bird chirping peacefully. When I opened my eyes, I was lying in the middle of the forest perhaps. The sun light flash in my face and with this, I believed that I was already in human world. I stand up and saw the giant tree – the portal to the other world was gone. I keep on searching, running in the forest but all of the giant and weird trees were gone and what’s left is trees that blooms so bright and the leaves that fall freely to the ground. I can’t find any trace that will lead me back to the other world.

I came running back to our house to find my grandfather inside the kitchen slicing broccoli. “Grandpa…” I said with my brittle voice. He look at me with surprised, he then released the knife he’d been holding. He became too old, his face has more lines in it. His sweater has a mud maybe because he’s been gardening again. I suddenly feel my eyes were now filled with tears. I run into him and embrace him tightly. “I’m sorry for leaving you behind.”

He hugs me tight. “I thought you can never go back!”

“I’m here and I will never leave you alone again.”

I’m happy that the Earth never change. I thought the two worlds has different time. But it’s just the same. I just left for almost two months. Our small village is still the same as it is. We went to the market and bought some food and cook it since I never like broccoli, he cook the one I loved the most. It was an amazing day filled with joy. I mean, all I wanted is to be happy just this once, just this day with my grandpa.

I had a well spent day with him. It was a day I thought I would never had. Grandpa sometimes asks me about myself and if there’s some changes but I didn’t bother answering with honesty. I still think of the other world and my friends there. Troy and the other, how are they?

I’ve wanted to forget everything and leave behind in that world. I wanted to be normal again but every night, I kept having these kind of dream that someone has been looking at me while I’m sleeping but when I woke up, I saw nothing other than the window’s curtain gliding. 

I woke up in the morning feeling uneasy so I come out and went into the woods feeling nostalgic the moment I step in. I’ve been dreaming about the day when everything seems right with Cindy and Shin as we played all day long. We’re hiding the moment Shin hears my grandpa coming. He doesn’t like him since then. But as stubborn as I am, I managed to play hide and seek with him to play along with my supernatural friends.

Whenever I keep playing the memories in my head, I laugh but at the end of it, I kind of feel empty. Those happy memories suddenly vanished and replace with miserable memories of us. Tragic. Feeling unhappy, I walked back to our house. Grandpa must’ve been looking for me.

“Grandpa, I brought some mushrooms!” I saw him coming to me but he pushed me away. I saw his eyes in rage. “Leave. I don’t want to see you here.” He said with his teary eyes. His body is trembling as if he was scared of something.

“What are you saying? If you’re angry just because I come out without you knowing, then I just think you never said that.”

“I said leave! I never want to see you anymore. Just disappear in my eyes!”

“Okay! If that’s what you wanted. After all, people doesn’t need to keep a girl that is cursed though. I should probably disappear like what you said.” After I turned my back, someone blew a laugh and it’s not my grandpa. I turned around to see a shadow came closer to him and slowly I realized who she is. “That’s what I wanted to see in you.” She said.


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