Chapter 10 - A blessing in disguise

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We’ve been rustling to nowhere and I’ve been getting scratches all over my body from battling through the giant woods. Looking behind us thinking they still out hunting for us and realizing in the end they already gone.

“Just where do you intend on taking me?” I ask complaining as his grip is getting too hard.

“Don’t be too noisy.” He answered furiously. He didn’t even bother to look back.

“Responding to question is not that hard, you know.” My feet suddenly slips on the muddy soil and I almost fall, but with his skill as a dhampir, he quickly wraps his hand to my body pulling me closer to him.

As I stare on his face in shocked, I realized his pale skin glitters even at night. His dark black narrowed eyes turned into dark glowing sapphire, It’s kind of amazing to see him changing colors. 

“You’re heavy.” He muttered with his cold voice. I felt a sudden rush of blood in my face making me feel warm and ashamed as well. After a second of divulging myself into inadequate fantasies, I quickly push him and moved away.

Walking behind him makes me feel calmer than walking beside him. I also had my luxury of time watching and observing him from head to toe. His height is extremely immeasurable comparing to mine. I can see his well-build body even wearing a Lucif Academy uniform. Without a doubt, he is a real…man.

"Don't look at me like that."

"I  didn't"

"You just did."

"I never tried."


We had reached to a place where I don’t know if it’s still within the proximity of Academy. It’s quite different. It’s in the upper area and I can see the whole Academy below.

“They can never go up here.” He said walking toward a giant tree. It is the only tree that grows up here. He sat and leaned on it as he closes his eyes. My eyes turned to the full moon and saw it shines bright giving light to darkness. I remembered the same moon we watched in that little abandoned house.

“Come here and take a rest.” He orders.
I silently moved closer and seated. As I watched him sleeping, I wonder what he’s thinking while his hair kept on flying as the wind. He can be looked innocent if he’s sleeping.

“I can see you.” He utters with his eyes closed.

“Why did you save me?” He doesn’t respond to my questions as he remained closing his eyes. “You’re the one who told me to never crossed path with you.”

“Some questions aren’t meant to be answered.”

“I just wanted to know, why are you doing this?”
As his eyes finally opens, it pierced through mine as if he wanted me dead. “Because you were shouting for help.”

My mind went curious as to how did he hears it. And this is not the first time I heard someone mentioned it. Troy did told me about this.

“Was I?”

He breathes deep and closed his eyes again, “Yes, and I’m getting annoyed to how your deafening voice screamed so loud making my eardrums explode.” He ranted.

“Okay, thank you. But if this is because you’re just tired of my deafening voice, then you don’t need to do this anymore. I did not ask for it in the first place.” When I’m about to stand up, he abruptly holds my hand and pulls me back to him. It was sudden that I can’t stop myself leaning to his body like a magnet.

“You are not going anywhere tonight. You are staying with me until I say we’re done.”

My body went up scorching even his cold breathe has been touching my face. As our body united once again, a sudden warm blends his cold body. His eyes went down to my lips and I didn’t notice his hand already touches it.

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